Occurrence 30922

Type(s) [3805] Θεοῦ τὸ δῶρόν τε καὶ τοῦ δεῖνος πόνος (1 verse)
Text source DBBE (Inspection of a microfilm of the manuscript)
Text status Text completely known
Date 14th c.
Manuscript ATHOS - Mone Koutloumousiou 82 [14th c.]
Place in Manuscript f. 145r
Nikolaos Galesiotes (14th c.) - VGH: 347.B - PLP: VIII.20449
Contextual information Written at the end of the Revelation of John. Followed immediately by a thin ornamental band and a scribal invocation in prose: '+ οἱ ἀναγινώσκοντες εὔχεσθε ὑπὲρ τοῦ γρά|ψαντος μοναχοῦ νικολάου τοῦ γαλησιώτου :-'
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Scribe-related epigram
Subject(s) Nikolaos Galesiotes (14th c.) - VGH: 347.B - PLP: VIII.20449
Image source(s) https://ntvmr.uni-muenster.de/community/modules/papyri/?zoom=43&left=5&top=-456&site=INTF&image=31859/0/2910/10/2759
Number of verses 1
Related occurrence(s)
  • Information on the occurrence courtesy of Georgi Parpulov.
  • Inspection of the manuscript image was possible by courtesy of the 'Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung'.


The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/30922
Last modified: 2020-07-01.