Occurrence 17863
(formerly occ/1133)

Type(s) [2396] Ἄναρχε Χριστέ, τῶν καλῶν ἡ ἀκρότης (11 verses)
Text source DBBE
Text status Text completely known
Date 1292
Manuscript VATICAN CITY - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - Vat. gr. 1877 [1292]
Place in Manuscript f. 177r
Paulos Korinthios of Traïna < Sicily < Southern Italy < Italy (13th c.) - RGK: III.536 - VGH: 377.F - PLP: VI.13194 (monachos of the Monastery of the Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul < Agro < Sicily < Southern Italy < Italy, monachos of the Theotokos of Mili Monastery < Messina < Sicily < Southern Italy < Italy)
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Scribe-related epigram
Subject(s) Jesus Christ (10 BC-1 BC - 30-33)
Image source(s) Turyn (1964), Tab. 176.
Number of verses 11
Related occurrence(s)

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/17863
Last modified: 2024-12-05.