Text status |
Text completely known |
Editorial status |
Not a critical text |
Genre(s) |
Scribe-related epigram
Metre(s) |
Tag(s) |
Completion of the book
Translation(s) |
Zoals reizigers vreugde vinden in het zien van hun vaderland,
En zeevaarders in het vinden van een haven,
Zo ook vinden schrijvers vreugde in het einde van hun boek.
- Language
- Dutch
- Source(s)
J. Boeten, S. De Groot 2022, Verzen uit de marge (gehaald): een introductie op Byzantijnse boekepigrammen, Tetradio - Tijdschrift van het Griekenlandcentrum, 30, 11-34: 20
As strangers who are glad to see their fatherland
- Language
- English
- Source(s)
K. Demoen 2022, Reading: Book Epigrams - Introduction, in F. Spingou (ed.), The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (vol. 2), Cambridge / New York, 1369-1380: 1375
- Comment
Partial translation: v. 1
Comment |
The epigram also occurs in the 16th-century manuscript Sofia, Cărkovno-istoričeski i archiven institut 903 (f. 213r) (Getov 2014: 291). |
Bibliography |
Bibliography category to be determined
D. Balageorgos, F. Kretikou, 1994, Σινὰ (vol. 1), Athens: 218
A. Bandini, 1764, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Mediceae Laurentianae (vol. 1), Florence: 50
N. Bees, 1915, Κατάλογος τῶν ἑλληνικῶν χειρογράφων κωδίκων τῆς ἑν Πελοποννήσῳ μονῆς τοῦ Μεγάλου Σπηλαίου (vol. 1), Leipzig-Athene: 18, 41
P. Canart, 1970, Codices Vaticani Graeci. Codices 1745-1962. Codicum enarrationes (vol. 7.1), Vatican City: 54, 141
F. Euangelatou-Notara 1983, Ἕλληνες γραφεῖς τοῦ 13ου αἰῶνα: Προσθῆκες καὶ διορθώσεις στὸ Εὑρετήριο τῶν Vogel-Gardthausen, Δίπτυχα Ἑταιρείας Βυζαντινῶν καὶ Μεταβυζαντινῶν Μελετῶν, 3, 184-239: 200, 211, 216, 221, 225, 226, 232
F. Euangelatou-Notara, 1984, Συλλογὴ χρονολογημένων σημειωμάτων ἑλληνικῶν κωδίκων. 13ος αἰώνας, Athens: 86, 123, 127, 145, 146, 150, 161, 177
F. Euangelatou-Notara, 2000, Χορηγοί-κτήτορες-δωρητές σε σημειώματα κωδίκων. Παλαιολόγειοι χρόνοι, Athens: 174, 186, 196, 206, 215, 229, 230
E. Feron, F. Battaglini, 1893, Codices manuscripti graeci Ottoboniani Bibliothecae Vaticanae, Rome: 126
M. Formentin 1987, Storia del fondo manoscritto greco conservato alla Biblioteca arcivescovile di Udine, Memorie storiche forogiuliesi, 66, 21-61: 59
M. Formentin, 1995, Catalogus codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae Nationalis Neapolitanae (vol. 2), Rome: 120
E. Gamillscheg 1993, Subskriptionen griechischer Handschriften als historische Quelle, in F. Berger (ed.), Symbolae Berolinenses für Dieter Harlfinger, Amsterdam, 293-306: 296
C. Giannelli, 1950, Codices Vaticani Graeci. Codices 1485-1683 (vol. 5), Vatican City: 51-52
I. Hutter, 1982, Corpus der byzantinischen Miniaturenhandschriften. Oxford Bodleian Library III. Textband (vol. 3.1), Stuttgart: 54, 79, 223, 249
A. Kominis, 1988, Πατμιακὴ βιβλιοθήκη ἤτοι νέος κατάλογος τῶν χειρογράφων κωδίκων τῆς Ἱερᾶς Μονῆς Ἁγίου Ἰωάννου τοῦ Θεολόγου, Athens: 23
V. Liakou-Kropp 2007, Der Schreiber Kyrillos Asproekklesiotis am Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts, Codices manuscripti, 62-63, 1 - 14: 1
G. Mercati, P. Franchi de' Cavalieri, 1923, Codices Vaticani Graeci. Codices 1-329 (vol. 1), Rome: 40, 53, 194
L. Politis, M. Politi, 1991, Κατάλογος τῶν χειρογράφων τῆς Ἐθνικῆς Βιβλιοθήκης τῆς Ἑλλάδος ἀρ. 1857-2500, Athens: 93
P. Schreiner, 1988, Codices Vaticani Graeci. Codices 867-932 (vol. 4), Vatican City: 150
A. Turyn, 1980, Dated Greek Manuscripts of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries in the Libraries of Great Britain, Washington: 38, 128
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Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.
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Permalink |
https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/2150 |