Occurrence 35088

Type(s) [2150] Ὥσπερ ξένοι χαίρουσιν ἰδεῖν πατρίδα (3 verses)
Text source Manuscripta Mediaevalia (last accessed: 2021-01-09).
Text status Text completely known
Date 1376-1500
Manuscript LEIPZIG - Universitätsbibliothek - gr. 5 [1371-1380]
Place in Manuscript f. 175v
Contextual information The epigram is written by a later hand after the Lord's Prayer and a riddle.
The same poem also occurs twice on f. 175r: once written by the main scribe and a repetition of the beginning of the epigram by a later hand, different than the one who wrote this occurrence on f. 175v.
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Scribe-related epigram
Number of verses 3
Related occurrence(s)
Acknowledgements Information on the occurrence courtesy of Maria Tomadaki.


The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/35088
Last modified: 2023-10-31.