Occurrence 35687

Type(s) [7032] Ὦ πάντων ἐπέκεινα - τί γὰρ θέμις ἄλλο σε μέλπειν (16 verses)
Text source DBBE (Inspection of a reproduction of the manuscript)
Text status Text completely known
Date 1455-1460
Manuscript MUNICH - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek - gr. 547 [1455-1460]
Place in Manuscript f. Iv
Basileios Bessarion (1399-1400 - 18/11/1472) - RGK: I.41, II.61, III.77 - VGH: 59.E - PLP: II.2707 (kardinalios)
Palaeographical information The epigram was written by Bessarion on a piece of parchment, glued on the verso of a paper flyleaf.
Contextual information The epigram is written at the beginning of the manuscript, containing works by Proklos and Porphyry.
Metre(s) Dactylic hexameter
Genre(s) Text-related epigram
Subject(s) Hymnography
Image source(s) https://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/0010/bsb00108711/images/index.html?id=00108711&seite=4
Number of verses 16
Related occurrence(s)

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/35687
Last modified: 2024-10-21.