ManuscriptMUNICH - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek - gr. 547 Content Philosophica > Neo-platonici > Porphyry of Tyros < Lebanon (person page) Philosophica > Neo-platonici > Proklos (person page) Person(s) Scribe Basileios Bessarion (1399-1400 - 18/11/1472) - RGK: I.41, II.61, III.77 - VGH: 59.E - PLP: II.2707 (kardinalios) Makarios (15th c.) - RGK: I.244, III.402 - PLP: VII.16192, VII.16274 (episkopos of Halicz < Ukraine, metropolites of Serrai < Central Macedonia < Greece, monachos of the Monastery of Saint Cyprian < Konstantinoupolis < Turkey) Date 1455-1460 Bibliography S. De Groot 2021, Readers' Perspectives on Early Christian Texts. Book Epigrams in the Byzantine Manuscripts of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Gent: 191-192 I. Hardt, 1812, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum graecorum Bibliothecae Regiae Bavaricae. Cod. CCCCLXXIII-DLXXX continens (vol. 5), Munich: 365-369 C. Macé 2023, The ‘Hymn to What Is Beyond Everything’ Attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite and Gregory of Nazianzus, Byzantion, 93, 193-221: 204 L. Orlandi 2021, A Lesser-Known Member of Bessarion’s Milieu: The Scribe-Bishop Makarios, in J. Quenzer (ed.), Exploring Written Artefacts. Objects, Methods, and Concepts (vol. 2), Berlin / Boston, 753-772: 755 Identification Diktyon (Pinakes), 44995 Occurrences f. Iv [35687] ὦ πάντ(ων) ἐπέκεινα· τί γὰρ θέμις ἄλλο σε μέλπειν [1455-1460] Acknowledgements Creator(s) Anne-Sophie Rouckhout The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. Last modified: 2024-10-21. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.