ManuscriptFLORENCE - Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) - Plut. 5, Cod. 32 Content Theologica > Pseudo-Dionysios the Areopagite (person page) Person(s) Scribe Georgios of Crete < Greece (14th c.) - RGK: II.103, III.137 - VGH: 79.C - PLP: II.4014, II.4018 (thytes) Date 01/06/1353-30/09/1354 Bibliography A. Bandini, 1764, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Mediceae Laurentianae (vol. 1), Florence: 56-58 S. De Groot 2021, Readers' Perspectives on Early Christian Texts. Book Epigrams in the Byzantine Manuscripts of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Gent: 189 F. Halkin 1978, Les manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque Laurentienne à Florence. Inventaire hagiographique, Analecta Bollandiana, 96(1-2), 5-50: 11 Identification Diktyon (Pinakes), 15980 Occurrences f. 1r [19154] Ἀγγελικῆς σοφίης ἀμαρύγματα πολλὰ κιχήσ(ας) [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 28v [21958] ἀγγελικ(ῆς) σοφίης ἀμαρύγματα πολλὰ κιχήσας [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 28v [19155] οὐ(ρα)νίων θιάσ(ων) ἱεράρχια τάγματα μέλψας [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 29v [21959] εἰς νόον αἰγλήεντα θεόγραφα χείλεα βάψας [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 78v [21960] σύμβολα θεσπεσί(ων) ἱερῶν ἑνοειδέι μύθω [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 78v [19160] οὐ(ρα)νοῦ ἀστερ (...) ἔφυς σέλας πότμ(ον) [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 117r -- (alt.) f. 119r [33930] ἰκόν(ας) οὐ(ρα)νίων τελετ(ῶν) ἱερ(ῶν) τε θεωρ(ῶν) [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 117r -- (alt.) f. 119r [21967] σύμβολα θεσπεσί(ων) ἱερῶν ἑνοειδέι μύθω [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 117r -- (alt.) f. 119r [21968] μυστηπόλου τελετῆς, | ἱερόγραφα σύμβολα λέξας [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 117r -- (alt.) f. 119r [21964] εἰκόνας οὐ(ρα)νίων τελετ(ῶν) ἱερῶν τε θεωρῶν [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 117r -- (alt.) f. 119r [21966] Καὶ νόον αἰγληέντα λίπες (καὶ) γνῶσιν ἐόντων [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 120r -- (alt.) f. 122r [21969] εἰς γνόφ(ον) αἰγλήεντα μολῶν, ἑνοειδέος ἀρχῆς [01/06/1353-30/06/1353] f. 135r -- (alt.) f. 137r [26232] ὦ πάντων ἐπέκεινα. τί γὰρ θέμις ἄλλο σε μέλπειν [01/09/1354-30/09/1354] f. 194r -- (alt.) f. 189r [19165] Ἀγγελικῶν γραφίδ(ων) ἀμαρύγμ(α)τα πολλὰ κιχήσας [01/09/1354-30/09/1354] f. 194r -- (alt.) f. 189r [19156] Εἰς νόον αἰγλήεντα, θεόγραφα χείλεα βάψας [01/09/1354-30/09/1354] f. 194r -- (alt.) f. 189r [19163] Ἐἰς γνόφον αἰγλήεντα μολῶν, ἑνοείδεος ἀρχὴν [01/09/1354-30/09/1354] f. 194r -- (alt.) f. 189r [19157] Σύμβολα θεσπεσίων ἱερῶν ἑνοδέι μύθω [01/09/1354-30/09/1354] f. 194r -- (alt.) f. 189r [19161] Μυστηπόλου τελετὴς ἱερόγραφα σύμβολα λέξας [01/09/1354-30/09/1354] f. 194r -- (alt.) f. 189r [19162] Εἰκόνας οὐ(ρα)νίων τελετ(ῶν) ἱερῶν τε θεωρῶν [01/09/1354-30/09/1354] display 16 more occurrences (19 in total) hide 16 occurrences (19 in total) Acknowledgements Creator(s) Delphine Nachtergaele Contributor(s) Floris Bernard, Anne-Sophie Rouckhout The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. Last modified: 2024-10-17. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.