Occurrence 27030
(formerly occ/11101)

⁘ ἐπίγραμμα εἰς τὸν μακάριον διονυσιον περὶ τῆς | οὐρανίου ἱ(...)αρχίας:-
ἀγγελικῆς σοφίης ἀμαρύγματα πολλὰ | κιχήσας,
ἀνθρώποις ἀνέφηνας | ἰδεῖν νεοσύνθετον ἄστρον ⁘
Type(s) [1863] Ἀγγελικῆς σοφίης ἀμαρύγματα πολλὰ κιχήσας (2 verses)
Text source DBBE
Text status Text completely known
Date 1301-1350
Manuscript PARIS - Musée du Louvre MR 416 (Ivoires A53) [1301-1350]
Place in Manuscript f. 7r
Michael Klostomalles (14th c.) - PLP: V.11867 (notarios > notarios basilikos)
Contextual information The epigram is written above a headpiece, preceding Dionysius the Areopagite's 'De Coelesti Hierarchia'.
Metre(s) Dactylic hexameter
Subject(s) Pseudo-Dionysios the Areopagite (5th c. - 6th c.)
Image source(s) Spatharakis (1981: plate 494)
Number of verses 2
Related occurrence(s)

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/27030
Last modified: 2021-07-29.