Translation(s) |
As one of the Trinity, Saviour, may you, Pantokrator, protect the shining trinity of earthly rulers: the most mighty lord Monomachos and his kinsfolk, branch of the porphyra (purple).
- Language
- English
- Source(s)
A. Paul 2012, Historical Figures Appearing in Epigrams on Objects, in F. Bernard, K. Demoen (eds.), Poetry and its Contexts in Eleventh-century Byzantium, Farnham/Burlington, 89-112: 106
Oh Savior, as the one Pantocrator of the Trinity, may you protect the radiant trinity of the earthly rulers, the mightiest lord Monomachos and the pair related by blood, the offshoot or the purple.
- Language
- English
- Source(s)
K. Weitzmann, G. Galavaris, 1990, The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai. The Illuminated Greek Manuscripts. From the Ninth to the Twelfth Century (vol. 1), Princeton: 66
As the one Pantokrator of the Trinity, oh Saviour, may You protect the shining trinity of earthly sovereigns, the mightiest ruler Monomachus and the couple of common blood, the offshoot of the purple.
- Language
- English
- Source(s)
I. Spatharakis, 1976, The Portrait in Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts, Leiden: 100
Als einer der Trias, Heiland, mögest du, Allherrscher,
die strahlende Trias der irdischen Herrscher
beschützen, den mächtigsten Herrscher Monomachos
und das Schwesternpaar, den Spross der Porphyra.
- Language
- German
- Source(s)
A. Rhoby, 2018, Ausgewählte Byzantinische Epigramme in Illuminierten Handschriften, Wien: 88