[66] Theophylaktos (11th-12th c.) - VGH: 147.H - PBW: Theophylaktos/105/
[182] Manuel Moschopoulos - PLP: VIII.19373
[218] Claudius Ptolemy (2nd c.)
[256] Silvester Syropoulos (15th c.) - RGK: II.490, III.574 - VGH: 398.F - PLP: XI.27217
[259] Ioannes Komnenos Synadenos (monkname Ioakeim) (13th c. - 14th c.) - RGK: II.311 - VGH: 241.A - PLP: XI.27125
[267] Theodore of Stoudios (759-826) - PBE: 7369 - PMBZ: 18819: "Personenkennziffer: 7574/corr."
[275] Gregorios of Nazianzos < Cappadocia (329 - 25/01/390) - PBW: Gregorios/128/
[282] Theodoros Balsamon (12th c.) - PBW: Theodoros/20364/
[288] Michael Psellos (1018-1081) - PBW: Michael/61/
[290] Alexios I Komnenos (1057 - 15/08/1118) - PBW: Alexios/1/
[303] Theodore Prodromos (12th c.) - PBW: Theodoros/25001/
[307] Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos (1256-1335) - VGH: 339.C - PLP: VIII.20826
[318] Niketas David Paphlagon (9th c. - 10th c.) - PMBZ: 27866: "Personenkennziffer: 25712"
[393] Leo Choirosphaktes (826-850 - 920-930)
[404] Neophytos Enkleistos of Kato Drys < Cyprus (1134 - 13th c.)
[419] Maximos Planoudes (1255-1305) - RGK: I.259bis, II.357 - VGH: 286.A
[586] Nicholas Kasoulanos of Otranto < Salento < Apulia < Southern Italy < Italy (monkname Nektarios) (1155-1160 - 09/02/1235) - RGK: II.406
[607] Simon Atumano (14th c.) - PLP: I.1648
[617] John Tzetzes (12th c.) - PBW: Ioannes/459/
[643] Arethas (9th c. - 10th c.) - VGH: 41.T, 404.E - PMBZ: 22707: "Personenkennziffer: 20554"
[667] Basileios II (958 - 15/12/1025) - PMBZ: 22991: "Personenkennziffer: 20838"
[755] Manuel Holobolos (monkname Maximos) (1245 - 1310-1314) - PLP: IX.21047
[763] Niketas of Herakleia < Bithynia < Asia Minor < Turkey (11th c. - 12th c.)
[765] Andronikos III Doukas Angelos Komnenos Palaiologos (25/03/1297 - 15/06/1341) - PLP: IX.21437
[766] Anna Palaiologina of Savoy (1306 - 1365) - PLP: IX.21347
[776] Neilos of Rossano < Calabria < Southern Italy < Italy (saint) (910 - 26/09/1004) - VGH: 328.A, 378.E - PMBZ: 27657: "Personenkennziffer: 25503"
[794] Constantine Manasses (1130-1187) - PBW: Konstantinos/302/
[879] George Galesiotes (13th-14th c.) - RGK: I.57, II.77, III.97 - VGH: 72.E - PLP: II.3528
[957] Nikephoros Blemmydes (1197-1269) - PLP: II.2897
[990] Manuel Kalekas (14th c. - 1410) - RGK: II.346, III.413 - VGH: 277.B - PLP: V.10289
[1027] Stephen of Byzantium (528 - 585)
[1033] Theophilos - PMBZ: 19499: "Personenkennziffer: 8236"
[1115] Homer (8th c. BC)
[1132] George Skylitzes - PBW: Georgios/264/
[1144] Lucian of Samosata < Turkey (2nd c.)
[1192] Constantine Hermoniakos (14th c.) - RGK: II.312e - VGH: 241.I - PLP: III.6129
[1225] Mazaris (14th-15th c.) - RGK: II.336 - VGH: 269.E - PLP: VII.16116
[1314] Eirene Sebastokratorissa (12th c.) - PBW: Eirene/20115/
[1321] Michael VIII Palaiologos (1223 - 11/12/1282) - PBW: Michael/8/ - PLP: IX.21528
[1324] Theodore Gazes (1398-1478) - RGK: I.128, II.165, III.211 - VGH: 137.A - PLP: II.3450
[1478] John Argyropoulos (1393-1394 - 1487) - RGK: I.158, II.212, III.263 - VGH: 167.G - PLP: I.1267
[1494] Gregory Pardos (1070-1156)
[1518] Nikephoros III Botaneiates (1001-1081) - PBW: Nikephoros/3/
[1519] Leo VI the Philosopher (866-912) - PMBZ: 26465: "Personenkennziffer: 24311"
[1527] Nikephoros Gregoras (13th-14th c.) - RGK: II.416, III.491 - PLP: II.4443
[1755] Nikolaos Maliasenos Komnenos Angelos Doukas Bryennios (monkname Neilos, Ioasaph) (13th c.) - PLP: VII.16523
[1827] Athenaïs Eudokia of Athenai < Attike < Greece (400-401 - 20/10/460)
[1831] Gennadios II Scholarios (1400-1405 - 1472) - RGK: I.71, II.92, III.119 - VGH: 84.D - PLP: XI.27304
[1845] Nikephoros Ouranos (10th c. - 11th c.) - PMBZ: 27771: "Personenkennziffer: 25617"
[28774] Eustathios Makrembolites
[28827] Michael Andreopoulos (11th c.)
[28907] Eudokia Ingerina (840 - 882) - PBE: 2454 - PMBZ: 12736: "Personenkennziffer: 1632"
[28908] Niketas Choniates (1155 - 1217) - VGH: 337.E - PBW: Niketas/25001/
[28911] Andronikos II Doukas Angelos Komnenos Palaiologos (25/03/1259 - 13/02/1332) - PLP: IX.21436
[28914] Michael VII Doukas Parapinakes (1050 - 1090) - PBW: Michael/7/
[28915] Andronikos I Komnenos (1118 - 12/09/1185) - PBW: Andronikos/1/
[28917] Eugenios of Trapezous < Turkey (saint)
[28920] Apollinaris
[28930] Maria of Alania (more correctly, of Georgia) (1053 - 1118) - PBW: Maria/61/
[28931] Gregorios Palamas (1296 - 1357-1359) - PLP: IX.21546
[28998] Maximos the Confessor (580 - 13/08/662) - PBE: 5416 - PMBZ: 16096: "Personenkennziffer: 4921/add."
[29309] Anastasios of Sinai (7th c. - 701-725)
[29312] Aphthonios of Antioch (4th-5th c.)
[29325] Ioannes Kamateros - PBW: Ioannes/471/
[29335] Pankratios of Tauromenion < Sicily < Southern Italy < Italy
[29336] Theodosios II
[29337] Theodotos I Kassiteras (9th c.) - PBE: 7813
[29341] Theodore II Doukas Laskaris (1221-1258)
[29343] Theodoret of Cyrrhus (393-458)
[29344] Symeon the Theologian (949-1022) - PMBZ: 29643: "Personenkennziffer: 27488"
[29352] Strabo (1st c. BC-1st c.)
[29354] Paul of Aigina < Attike < Greece (7th c.) - PMBZ: 16953: "Personenkennziffer: 5763,1/add."
[29355] Paul (apostle, saint)
[29371] Niketas Stethatos (1005-1090) - PBW: Niketas/105/
[29372] Antony the Great (251 - 356)
[29373] Aristophanes (445 BC - 388 BC)
[29376] Augustine of Thagaste < Algeria (13/11/354 - 28/08/430)
[29386] Basil I (811-886) - PBE: 1718 - PMBZ: 22990: "Personenkennziffer: 20837"
[29387] Basil the Great (330-379)
[29389] Matthew Blastares - PLP: II.2808
[29390] Boethius (480-524)
[29392] Bakcheios Geron (3rd-4th c.)
[29398] Clement of Alexandria (2nd-3rd c.)
[29401] Constantine I the Great (27/02/272 - 22/05/337)
[29403] Cyril of Didouseya < Egypt (378 - 27/06/444)
[29406] Demosthenes of Athenai < Attike < Greece (384 BC - 322 BC)
[29411] Pseudo-Dionysios the Areopagite (5th c. - 6th c.)
[29420] Pedanius Dioscorides of Anazarbus < Cilicia < Asia Minor < Turkey (1st c.)
[29423] Ephrem the Syrian (306 - 09/06/373)
[29429] Epiphanios of Eleutheropolis < Judea (310-320 - 12/05/403)
[29432] Eusebios of Caesarea (260-265 - 339)
[29433] Eustratios of Nicaea (11th c. - 12th c.) - PBW: Eustratios/113/
[29436] Eutokios of Askalon (5th c. - 6th c.)
[29437] Flavius Josephus (1st c. - 2nd c.)
[29438] Galen of Pergamon < Asia Minor < Turkey (129 - 3rd c.)
[29439] George Kedrenos (11th-12th c.) - PBW: Georgios/20202/
[29477] Gregory of Nyssa (saint) (4th c.)
[29485] Gregory I the Great, also known as Pope Gregory I (540 - 12/03/604)
[29486] Constantine Harmenopoulos (14th c.) - PLP: I.1347
[29488] Heliodoros of Emesa < Syria (4th c.)
[29491] Hermogenes of Tarsos < Asia Minor < Turkey (2nd c. - 3rd c.)
[29493] Herodotus of Halikarnassos < Caria < Asia Minor < Turkey (485 BC - 425 BC)
[29494] Hesiod (8th-7th c. BC)
[29495] Hierokles of Alexandria (5th c.)
[29500] Iamblichos of Chalkis ad Belum < Syria (3rd c. - 4th c.)
[29502] Isaac of Nineveh (7th c.)
[29503] John of Gaza (6th c.)
[29520] John Klimax (6th c. - 7th c.) - PMBZ: 13914: "Personenkennziffer: 2791"
[29521] John Koukouzeles (13th c. - 14th c.) - PLP: VI.13391
[29526] John Philoponos (5th c. - 6th c.)
[29527] John VII Grammatikos (8th c. - 9th c.) - PBE: 3457 - PMBZ: 14338: "Personenkennziffer: 3199/corr."
[29528] John VIII Xiphilinos (11th c.) - PBW: Ioannes/18/
[29531] Joseph Genesios (10th c.) - PMBZ: 25680: "Personenkennziffer: 23526"
[29532] Joseph the Hymnographer (9th c.) - PMBZ: 25664: "Personenkennziffer: 23510"
[29536] Justinian I the Great (482 - 14/11/565)
[29537] Nicholas Chamaetos Kabasilas (14th c.) - PLP: XII.30539
[29539] Leo V the Armenian (775 - 25/12/820) - PBE: 4830 - PMBZ: 15402: "Personenkennziffer: 4244/corr."
[29540] Libanios (314 - 393)
[29544] Michael Glykas (12th c.)
[29546] Mousaios (5th-6th c.)
[29547] Naukratios (9th c.) - PBE: 5661
[29548] Nicholas of Methone (12th c.)
[29549] Nikephoros Bryennios - PBW: Nikephoros/62/
[29550] Nikephoros I of Konstantinoupolis < Turkey (8th c. - 05/04/828) - PBE: 5671 - PMBZ: 16485: "Personenkennziffer: 5301/corr."
[29551] Neilos of Ankyra (saint) (4th-5th c.)
[29552] Oikoumenios (6th c.)
[29553] Olympiodoros of Alexandria (6th c.)
[29557] Oppian of Korykos < Cilicia < Asia Minor < Turkey (2nd c.)
[29558] Oribasios (4th c.)
[29559] Origen of Alexandria < Egypt (2nd c. - 3rd c.)
[29560] Ourbikios (5th-6th c.)
[29563] Phanourios of Rhodos (saint)
[29566] Plato (429 BC - 347 BC)
[29567] Plotinos (205 - 270)
[29568] Plutarch (1st c. - 2nd c.)
[29572] Porphyry of Tyros < Lebanon (234 - 305)
[29573] Proklos (08/02/412 - 17/04/485)
[29575] Pyrrhon of Elis < Peloponnesos < Greece (4th c. BC - 3rd c. BC)
[29577] Romanos IV Diogenes - PBW: Romanos/4/
[29578] Athanasios of Alexandria < Egypt (saint) (295 - 02/05/373)
[29579] Helena (saint, mother of Constantine I) (3rd c. - 4th c.)
[29580] Marina (saint) (3rd c.)
[29582] Panteleemon (saint) (3rd c. - 305)
[29586] Sappho of Lesbos < Greece (6th c. BC)
[29587] Simplikios of Cilicia < Asia Minor < Turkey (6th c.)
[29588] Sophronios (560 - 11/03/638)
[29589] Stephen of Byzantium (6th c.)
[29590] Symeon Metaphrastes (10th c.) - PMBZ: 29659: "Personenkennziffer: 27504"
[29591] Symeon the Stylite (389 - 24/07/459)
[29594] Themistios (317 - 388)
[29598] Theognostos (9th c.) - PBE: 7893 - PMBZ: 19266: "Personenkennziffer: 8012"
[29602] George (saint) (3rd c. - 23/04/303)
[29606] Nicholas of Myra < Lycia < Asia Minor < Turkey (saint) (4th c.)
[29607] John the Baptist (10 BC-1 BC - 1st c.)
[29608] Jesus Christ (10 BC-1 BC - 30-33)
[29609] James (brother of the Lord) (1st c.)
[29610] James the Great (apostle, son of Zebedee) (1-10 - 44)
[29611] John (evangelist, saint) (1st c.)
[29612] Luke (evangelist, saint) (1st c.)
[29613] Mark (evangelist, saint) (1st c.)
[29614] Matthew (evangelist, saint) (1st c.)
[29615] Peter (apostle, saint) (1st c.)
[29618] Aristainetos (6th c.)
[29632] Neilos (12th c. - 13th c.)
[29852] George Mouzalon (1220 - 25/08/1258)
[29934] Theodora Porphyrogennetes (980 - 31/08/1056) - PBW: Theodora/1/ - PMBZ: 29760: "Personenkennziffer: 27605"
[29935] Zoe Porphyrogennetes (978 - 11/06/1050) - PBW: Zoe/1/ - PMBZ: 30663: "Personenkennziffer: 28508"
[30045] Athanasios of Athos (920-1000)
[30056] Theophilos
[30084] Andrew of Crete < Greece (660 - 04/07/740) - PBE: 326
[30120] Demetrios of Thessaloniki < Central Macedonia < Greece (saint) (3rd c. - 306)
[30129] Alexander (870 - 06/06/913) - PBE: 162
[30329] Demetrios Pepagomenos (14th c. - 15th c.) - RGK: II.133 - VGH: 104.E - PLP: IX.22359
[30330] John I Tzimiskes (925 - 10/01/976) - PMBZ: 24932: "Personenkennziffer: 22778"
[30432] John of Karpathos - PMBZ: 13839: "Personenkennziffer: 2716"
[30475] Eunomios (335 - 394)
[30476] Theodosios I (11/01/347 - 17/01/395)
[30479] Makedonios I (4th c.)
[30511] Theophano of Konstantinoupolis < Turkey (10th c.) - PMBZ: 30280: "Personenkennziffer: 28125"
[30551] Nikephoros II Phokas of Konstantinoupolis < Turkey (912 - 11/12/969) - PMBZ: 27689: "Personenkennziffer: 25535"
[30689] Theophylaktos Simokattes (6th c. - 7th c.) - PMBZ: 19511: "Personenkennziffer: 8248"
[30704] Basil Elachistos (10th c.) - PMBZ: 23086: "Personenkennziffer: 20933"
[30708] Barbara (saint) (3rd c.)
[30709] Eustratios (saint) (3rd c.)
[31614] Manuel Chrysoloras (14th c. - 15/04/1415) - VGH: 282.H - PLP: XII.31165
[31615] Thomas Aquinas (1224-1225 - 07/03/1274) - PLP: IV.7795
[31619] John Skylitzes (11th c.) - PBW: Ioannes/110/
[31625] Claudius Aelianus (2nd c. - 3rd c.)
[31630] Prokopios of Kaisareia < Palaestina (6th c.)
[31633] Philo Judaeus of Alexandria < Egypt (1st c. BC - 1st c.)
[31634] George Hamartolos (9th c.) - PMBZ: 13378: "Personenkennziffer: 2264"
[31641] Chorikios of Gaza (6th c.)
[31646] John XI Bekkos (1230-1240 - 01/03/1297-31/03/1297) - PLP: II.2548
[31648] Andronikos Komnenos Palaiologos (14th c.) - PLP: IX.21439
[31651] Pseudo-Phocylides (1st c. BC-1st c.)
[31653] Quintus of Smyrna (3rd c.)
[32262] Socrates of Athenai < Attike < Greece (469 BC - 399 BC)
[32331] Kyros (saint) (3rd c. - 311)
[32332] John (saint) (3rd c. - 311)
[32432] Athanasios II (13th c. - 14th c.) - PLP: I.413
[32448] Ioannes Stobaios of Stoboi < North Macedonia (5th c.)
[32450] Ammonios of Alexandria < Egypt (5th c. - 6th c.)
[32580] Anastasios I (430 - 10/07/518)
[32884] John Moschos (540 - 634)
[32927] John Doxopatres (1001 - 1100)
[33018] John III Doukas Vatatzes (1192 - 03/11/1254)
[33099] Roger II of Sicily < Southern Italy < Italy (22/12/1095 - 26/02/1154) - PBW: Roger/17001/
[33131] Constantine Kephalas (9th c. - 10th c.)
[33154] Anicia Juliana (462 - 527)
[33362] Niketas Eugeneianos (12th c.)
[33572] Ephraim of Ainos < Thrace (13th c. - 14th c.) - PLP: III.6408
[33607] Gabriel of Armenia (11th c. - 12th c.) - PBW: Gabriel/4001/
[33997] Dionysius Thrax of Alexandria < Egypt (170 BC - 90 BC)
[34037] Nestorios (386 - 451)
[34134] Markellos of Ankyra < Turkey (280 - 374)
[34135] Arius of Libya (250 - 336)
[34386] Alexios II Komnenos (14/09/1169 - 01/09/1183-30/09/1183)
[34424] John V Palaiologos of Didumoteichon (18/06/1332 - 16/02/1391) - PLP: IX.21485
[34459] Sabellios (3rd c.)
[34501] Mark the Hermit (5th-6th c.)
[34525] Thomas (apostle, saint) (1st c.)
[34561] Nicholas of Otranto < Salento < Apulia < Southern Italy < Italy (son of John Grasso) (13th c.)
[34562] Ioannes Grassos (13th c.) - PLP: II.4429
[34564] Hesychios of Hierosolyma (4th c. - 5th c.)
[34620] George Akropolites (1217 - 1282) - PLP: I.518
[34650] Photios - PMBZ: 17454
[34799] John VIII Palaiologos (18/12/1392 - 31/10/1448) - PLP: IX.21481
[34937] Neilos Doxopatres (1101-1150)
[35098] Eugenios of Palermo < Sicily < Southern Italy < Italy (1130 - 1203)
[35167] Synesios of Kyrene < Libya (370 - 413)
[35443] Evagrios Pontikos (345 - 399)
[35591] Palladios of Bithynia < Asia Minor < Turkey (363 - 431)
[35824] Meletios (9th c.) - PMBZ: 27189: "Personenkennziffer: 25035"
[35835] Laonikos Chalkokondyles (1423-1430 - 1476-1500) - PLP: XII.30512
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