Occurrence 31539
Type(s) | [31531] Οὕτως Ἐπαφρόδιτος, ὡς λέγεις, γράφει (9 verses) |
Text source | DBBE (Inspection of a reproduction of the manuscript) |
Text status | Text completely known |
Date | 1146-1155 |
Manuscript | HEIDELBERG - Universitätsbibliothek - Palat. gr. 252 [851-950] |
Place in Manuscript | f. 215r |
Person(s) | |
Palaeographical information | Written in the upper margin. The scholium is preceded by a signe-de-renvoi, which links it to the word 'ποταμοῦ' in the main text (Thuc. 6.4.3). Tzetzes wrote some additional scholia to this epigram: v. 4 σὺν τισ(ὶν) ἄλλ(οις) ] σὺν ἑλλανίκω supra lineam v. 5 γέλωνο(ς) ] οὗτο(ς) ὁ γέλ(ων) | υἱὸ(ς) αἴτνης | (καὶ) ὑμάρου | ὁ θεόπομπο(ς) add. in mg. sin. |
Contextual information | The epigram accompanies Thucydides' Histories 6.4.3. |
Metre(s) | Dodecasyllable |
Genre(s) | |
Subject(s) | Thucydides (5th c. BC) |
Comment | Kaldellis (2015: 76-77): 'Thucydides claims that the city of Gela in Sicily was founded by Antiphemos of Rhodes and Entimos of Crete, and that it took its name from the river Gelas. This affords Tzetzes the opportunity to parade his antiquarian learning, though he does not polemicize against the historian here. (...) This antiquarian demonstration is based on the entry for Gela in Stephanos of Byzantion’s Ethnika (Γ 45).' |
Image source(s) | https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cpgraec252/0441 |
Bibliography |
Primary |
Number of verses | 9 |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. |
Permalink | https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/31539 |
Last modified: 2020-09-04.