Occurrence 21058
(formerly occ/4776)
Type(s) | [3366] Ὁ Κυπριανὸς πρὶν μὲν ἦν γόης μέγας (4 verses) |
Text source | I. Sakkelion, 1890, Πατμιακὴ Βιβλιοθήκη, Athens: 28 |
Text status | Text completely known |
Date | 14th c. |
Manuscript | PATMOS - Mone tou Hagiou Ioannou tou Theologou 37 [13th c.] |
Palaeographical information | Sakellion (1890: 27): 'Τῶν οὖν ἐν τῷ Α' βιβλίῳ περιεχομένων προτάσσονται ὑπὸ νεωτέρας χειρός, τῆς ΙΔ' ἴσως ἑκατονταετηρίδος, τετράστιχα ἐπιγράμματα τοῦ Φίλη, ὧν τινα ἐξίτηλα γεγόνασι ὑπό τε τοῦ χρόνου καὶ τῆς τοῦ βιβλιοδέτου κοπίδος'. |
Contextual information | The epigram precedes Gregory of Nazianzus' oration 24 on St. Cyprianus. |
Metre(s) | Dodecasyllable |
Genre(s) | Text-related epigram |
Subject(s) | Gregorios of Nazianzos < Cappadocia (329 - 25/01/390) - PBW: Gregorios/128/ |
Comment | Sajdak (1914: 267): 'Nonnullis orationibus adiuncta sunt epigrammata Philae scripta manu saec. XIV et publicata in I. Sakkelionis cat. I. p. 27-29'. Sakkelion (1890: 28) does not mention a folium number. |
Number of verses | 4 |
Related occurrence(s) |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. |
Permalink | https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/21058 |
Last modified: 2019-05-16.