Type(s) |
[2854] Ἡ βίβλος ἥδε τῶν θεοπνεύστων λόγων
(8 verses)
Text source |
(Inspection of a reproduction of the manuscript)
Text status |
Text completely known |
Date |
1286 |
Manuscript |
VATICAN CITY - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - Vat. gr. 641 [1286]
Place in Manuscript |
f. 466v |
Person(s) |
- Scribe
Gerasimos (13th c.) - RGK: III.87 - VGH: 67.C - PLP: II.3731 (monachos)
Palaeographical information |
Written in red ink.
6 τρίβοις eadem manus e τρίβος |
Contextual information |
The epigram is the last in a series of three on f. 466v. A colophon in prose is written between the second epigram and this one. |
Metre(s) |
Genre(s) |
Image source(s) |
Turyn 1964, plate 172
Bibliography |
R. Devreesse, 1950, Codices Vaticani Graeci. Codices 604-866 (vol. 3), Vatican City: 64
F. Euangelatou-Notara, 1984, Συλλογὴ χρονολογημένων σημειωμάτων ἑλληνικῶν κωδίκων. 13ος αἰώνας, Athens: 132
R. Meesters 2020, The visual representation of the formulaic colophon verse τῷ συντελεστῇ τῶν καλῶν θεῷ χάρις, in C. Brockmann, D. Harlfinger, D. Deckers, S. Valente (eds.), Griechisch-byzantinische Handschriftenforschung. Traditionen, Entwicklungen, neue Wege (vol. 1), Berlin/Boston, 333-347: 339
A. Turyn, 1964, Codices graeci vaticani saeculis XIII et XIV scripti annorumque notis instructi, Vatican City: 70
Number of verses |
8 |
Related occurrence(s) |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.
Permalink |
https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/18534 |