GROTTAFERRATA - Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale - Γ. γ. V
Content | Liturgica > Psaltikon |
Person(s) | |
Date | 01/12/1224-31/12/1225 |
Origin | the San Salvatore Monastery < Messina < Sicily < Southern Italy < Italy |
Bibliography |
Identification | Diktyon (Pinakes), 17952 |
Comment | This manuscript is a palimpsest: "II volume è tutto palinsesto. II copista ha riutilizzato per lo più un codice crisostomico in maiuscola ogivale inclinata (tav. 1); i ff. 98-98bis, 100bis-101, 104-105, 108-109, in ogivale diritta, appartenevano ad un Lezionario dell’Antico Testamento, mentre il f. 127, in minuscola affine al tipo Anastasio, apparteneva ad un codice liturgico, forse un Meneo. Tutt’e tre sono databili al sec. X e mi sembrano italogreci" (Lucà 1986: 176-177). The manuscripts consists of two parts, written by the same scribe: the first part was completed in December 1224 (according to a note on f. 117v), the second part was probably written during the first months of the year 1225. |
Occurrences |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. |
Last modified: 2023-11-17.