Type 7010
(formerly typ/4922)

Γῆς ἐπέβην γυμνὸς γυμνός θ᾿ ὑπὸ γαῖαν ἄπειμι·
καὶ τί μάτην μοχθῶ γυμνὸν ὁρῶν τὸ τέλος;
Text source L. Floridi 2014, La silloge di epigrammi 'lucianei' del codice Riccardiano 25, Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, 142(1), 103-120: 110
Text status Text completely known
Editorial status Not a critical text
Genre(s) Scribe-related epigram
Palladas (4th c.)
Metre(s) Elegiacs
Comment Note that this epigram is also attributed to Lucian in other traditions (cf. Floridi (2014: 112): "AP. 10, 58: Pl (come P) attribuisce l’epigramma a Pallada, mentre lo assegnano a Luciano i florilegi bizantini e i paremiografi").
Number of verses 2
Occurrence(s) [26210] Γῆς ἐπέβην γυμνὸς γυμνός θ᾿ ὑπὸ γαῖαν ἄπειμι [1451-1500]
FLORENCE - Biblioteca Riccardiana 25 [1451-1500] (f. IIIv)
(2 verses)
Related type(s) [34498] Ἡ χεὶρ μὲν ἡ γράψασα σήπεται τάφῳ (6 verses) (Variant (permutation of words), Consists of)
Acknowledgements Information on the type courtesy of Matías Fernandez Robbio.

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/7010
Last modified: 2023-01-05.