Type 4533
(formerly typ/2623)

Πολλάκις ἔργων πονηρῶν φεῦ γεγονῶς ἐργάτης
οὐδ'ἅπαξ ἴσχυσά ποτε δακρύσαι μου τὰς (...)
(...) Χριστὲ παμβασιλεῦ (...?)
Text source DBBE
Text status Text partially unknown
Editorial status Not a critical text
Genre(s) Scribe-related epigram
Metre(s) Decapentasyllable
Critical Notes 2 δακρύσαι μου τὰς (...) 3 Χριστὲ παμβασιλεῦ ] lac. ms.; τὰς | .....αἰτίας ὢ παμβασιλεῦ suppl. Iriarte (1769: 364); τὰς ... Χριστὲ(?) παμβασιλεῦ suppl. De Andrés (1987: 194).
Translation(s) Saepe malorum operum heu
factus auctor, nec semel potui
olim deflere meas
.....culpas, o Rex omnium.
J. Iriarte, 1769, Regiae Bibliothecae Matritensis codices graeci mss., Madrid: 364
Comment Iriarte (1769: 364, n. 6): 'Dictionem hanc, obliteratam et ad vivum quasi resectam, sic legendam putavi. Quae vero punctis distinximus, ea minime apparent, quippe omnino abscissa, perinde ac caetera membranae pars inferior. Quae quum tali vitio laboret, licet integra videatur sententia; est tamen cur dubites, an quid aliud amplius in illa incolumi scriptum olim fuerit.'

Taking into account the metre, the expected number of syllables, and the epigram layout in ms. Matritt. 4648 (olim N. 90), f.367v, we may assume that verse 3 contained additional words after παμβασιλεῦ, which may have been written on the next line in the missing part of the folio.
Number of verses 3
Occurrence(s) [21018] πολλάκις ἔργων πονηρῶν φεῦ | γεγονῶς ἐργάτης [13th-14th c.]
MADRID - Biblioteca Nacional 4648 (olim N. 90) [13th-14th c.] (f. 367v)
(3 verses)

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Identification Vassis ICB 2005, 632: "Librarii precatio"
Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/4533
Last modified: 2020-02-27.