Type 4332
(formerly typ/2431)

Θευλογίης μέγα κάρτος ἀείσομαι, ἁγνὸν ἱρῆα
Γρηγόριον, Ῥώμης ποιμένα κουροτέρης,
ῥητροσύνης κύδος ἠδὲ πυρὸς μένος ἀττικοῖο,
πνείοντα κρατερῆς εὖχος ἐπογραφίης,
παντοδαπῆς σοφίης ἐπ' ἀπείρονα κύκλα κιόντα,
τῆς νέον ἡμετέρης καὶ ποτὲ ἡμετέρης.
Παρθενίης μέγα χαῖρ' ἐπιήρατε νυμφίε νύμφης,
ἣ πρὸ μὲν ἐν Τριάδι καί τ' ἀΰλοισι νόοις,
καὶ καθαρῇσι τρίτον ψυχαῖς ἐπιμίγνυται ἀνδρῶν,
σόν δε γέγηθε πλέον ἀμφιέπουσα λέχος.
Χριστιανῶν λάχεος χαῖρε πρόμε, πίστιος ἕρμα,
ὑψηχὲς Τριάδος Στέντορ ὑπερμενέος,
πῆμ' ὀλοὸν μανίης ἀδινάων αἱρεσιάων,
πῆμα Σαβελλίαο, πῆμα Μακηδονίου,
πῆμα τμηξιθέου ὀλοόφρονος ἀνδρὸς Ἀρείου·
ὃς θεότητα τάμεν, σοῖς δ' ἀπέτμαγε λόγοις.
Χαῖρε λόγων μελέδημα, λαλοῦν ἀφίδρυμα σοφίης,
ζωὸν ἄγαλμ' ἐπέων καί τε λογογραφίης,
σκιρτητά, πενθῆτορ, ἁπάντεσι παντὸς ἀνάσσων·
Τριάδα μὲν πνείων, Τριάδα δ' ἐκλαλέων,
Τριάδι δὲ ζώων, Τριάδος δ' ὑπὲρ ἦτορ ὀλέσκων,
ἧς σὺ μὲν ἀμφὶ πόλῳ ἄρτι πάρεδρος ἔης·
ἡμῖν δ', ὥστε μέλισσα, καλὸν μέλι κάλλιπες ὧδε,
σούς τε λόγους ἑτέρους, καὶ τὸ «ἔμελλεν ἄρα».
Title(s) Ἕτεροι εἰς τὸν μέγαν Γρηγόριον τὸν Θεολόγον ἡρωελεγεῖοι
Text source N. Zagklas 2014, Theodore Prodromos: The Neglected Poems and Epigrams (Edition, Commentary and Translation), Vienna: 187
Text status Text completely known
Editorial status Critical text
Genre(s) Author-related epigram
Theodore Prodromos (12th c.) - PBW: Theodoros/25001/
Metre(s) Elegiacs
  • I shall sing of the great strength of theology, the chaste minister
    Gregory, shepherd of the younger Rome,
    brave glory of oratory, force of Attic fire,
    breathing out the pride of the powerful epic poetry,
    going around the endless circle of our manifold wisdom,
    both new and old.
    A mighty hail to the beloved groom of the bride Virginity,
    who first mingles with the Trinity, then with the immaterial minds
    and thirdly with the purest of human souls,
    but rejoices most taking care of your bed.
    Hail, leader of the flock of Christians, supporter of the faith,
    loud Stentor of the almighty Trinity,
    destructive bane of the madness of vehement heretics,
    bane of Sabellius, bane of Macedonius,
    bane of the insane man who divided God, Arius,
    who divided the divinity, you cut him off with your orations.
    Hail, care of words, speaking image of wisdom,
    living statue of epic poetry and prose.
    Leaper, mourner, leader of all in every circumstance,
    you breathe the Trinity, you divulge the Trinity,
    you live for the Trinity, you die in the name of the Trinity,
    you are now sitting next to her [i.e. the Trinity] in the vault of heaven as a coadjutor.
    And, like a bee, you left so much sweet honey to us,
    your other orations, especially the “ἔμελλεν ἄρα.”
    R. Ricceri 2022, A Laudatory Epigram on Gregory of Nazianzos, in F. Spingou (ed.), The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (vol. 2), Cambridge / New York, 1408-1415: 1411
  • I shall praise the great force of theology, the chaste priest Gregory, shepherd of the younger Rome, glory of eloquence and potency of Attic fire, breathing boast of the stalwart epic poetry, [5] circling round in boundless circles of all kinds of our wisdom, [both] new and old. Hail great [and] beloved groom of the bride Chastity, who mingles together with the Trinity, the incorporeal intellects, and the untainted souls of men - third in order -. [10] [Chastity] rejoiced much in tending your couch! Hail foremost lot of the Christians, stay of the faith, vociferous Stentor of the omnipotent Holy Trinity, destructive bane to the madness of vehement heresies, curse of Sabellianism, blight to Macedonianism, [15] bane to Arius of cursed mind that severed God from God. He severed the godhead, [you] cut him off through your orations. Hail care of the orations, image of a wisdom that speaks, vivid image of epic poetry and prose writing, leaping, mourning, you are without exception the lord of all. [20] You breathe out the Trinity, you disclose the Trinity, you live for the Trinity, you lose your life for the Trinity, you are now its co-juror in the vault of heaven, while you, like a bee, bequeathed to us so much good honey, your other orations, and the ‘ἔμελλεν ἄρα’.
    N. Zagklas 2014, Theodore Prodromos: The Neglected Poems and Epigrams (Edition, Commentary and Translation), Vienna: 188
Comment Ricceri (2022: 1409): "The text under consideration offers some information on Theodore Prodromos’ awareness of Gregory’s poetical oeuvre. In particular, this epigram shows some structural and content-related similarities with Carm. 2.1.55 by Gregory himself."

Ricceri (2022: 1409): "It is a eulogizing text originally belonging to a homogeneous group of six epigrams praising saints: Paul the Apostle, Gregory of Nazianzos, Basil of Caesarea, John Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa, and Nicholas." The epigram occurs in the context of this cycle of six epigrams by Theodore Prodromos in Vat. gr. 305 and therefore does not function as a book epigram in this manuscript.
Number of verses 24
Occurrence(s) [20657] θεολογίης μέγα κάρτος ἀείσομαι ἁγνὸν ἱερῆα [15th c.]
PARIS - Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) - gr. 554 [13th c.] (f. 1v-2r)
(24 verses)

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Identification Vassis ICB 2005, 344: "Theod. Prodromus, In laudem s. Gregorii Theologi (BHG 730m)"
Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/4332
Last modified: 2022-12-15.