Type 3809
(formerly typ/1910)

Ὦ τῶν μεγίστων ἐργεπεῖκτα σκαμμάτων,
τὸν πρὶν ἐκεῖνον ζωγραφῶν Εὐρυσθέα,
κ' ἂν οὐκ ἀμισθὶ τοὺς ἀγῶνας προτρέπῃς,
δώροις δὲ συχνοῖς νῦν ἐλαύνεις πρὸς πόνους,
δέξαι τὸν ἆθλον ἐντελῆ πεφηνότα·
ὁ σὸς γὰρ αὐτὸν Ἡρακλῆς ὡς προὐτράπη,
δείκνυσι τανῦν ἐμφανῶς ἠνυσμένον.
Τρέσῃς δὲ μηδὲν, μὴ προπέμψῃς Κοπρέα
τούτου θεατήν, προστατοῦντα τῶν πόνων.
Οὐ κάπρος ἐστὶν ἐνθαδί, ζῶν ἠγμένος,
ῥέγχων παρ' ὤμοις· οὐ λέων πεπνιγμένος·
Ὕδρας κεφαλὰς νῦν οὐχ ὁρᾶς τετμημένας·
οὐ νεκρὸς οὐδεὶς ἠνεμωμένος δρόμοις·
οὐδ’ ἀρκάδων ὄρνιθες, ἐκφυὲς τέρας,
ὁμοῦ τὲ τόξον, καὶ πτερόν δε, καὶ βέλος·
οὐ ζῶμα· κόπρος· οὐδὲ ταῦρος πῦρ πνέων·
οὐ θρᾷξ τίς ἵππος, αἷμα χόρτον ἐσθίων·
ῥήτωρ, ἐλέγχων ῥητορεύοντας πόνους.
Title(s) Ioannes Tzetzes, In exegesin ipsius progymnasmatum Aphthonii et Hermogenis
Text source
Text status Text partially unknown
Editorial status Not a critical text
John Tzetzes (12th c.) - PBW: Ioannes/459/
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Tag(s) Completion of the book
Translation(s) Oh you, taskmaster of the greatest contests,
making an impression of that famous ancient Eurystheus,
you give way to the agons, albeit not without compensation.
No! With innumerable gifts you now exhort to labors.
Αccept the deed that now appears to be done.
Your Heracles, as he was urged to do,
shows it (to you): it is now clearly accomplished.
Do not flee away and do not send forward Kopreus
to watch it, as a steward of the labors.
C. D'Agostini, A. Pizzone 2021, Clawing Rhetoric Back: Humor and Polemic in Tzetzes’ Hexameters on the Historiai, Parekbolai, 11, 123-158: 148
Partial translation: vv. 1-9
Comment Verses 1-9 are taken from D'Agostini-Pizzone and verse 24 from Meyier.
Number of verses 24
Occurrence(s) [19743] ὦ τῶν μεγίστων ἐργεπεῖκτα· σκαμμάτων [1151-1200]
LEIDEN - Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit - Voss. gr. Q° 1 [1151-1200] (f. 211v-212r)
(24 verses)

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/3809
Last modified: 2023-03-30.