Type 30515

Κίνει κατ' ἐχθρῶν δεξιὰν τὴν ὁπλίτιν
ἥν ἔχρανας αἵματι δικαίου πάλαι,
καὶ μηχαναῖς ἔκτιλλον ἔθνη καὶ πόλεις,
καὶ τὴν πονηρὰν ἔκτιλλον συναυλίαν,
μηδὲν κλαπεὶς κάτωθεν εἰς ἄνω λόγον.
σὺ μὲν βροτὸς πέφυκας· οὐ σθένει<ς> δ' ὅλως
†μήμω† θεοῦ σοι †προσκατηγμένην† βίαν.
Title(s) στίχοι εἰς τὸν βασιλέα Ἰωάννην τὸν Τζιμισκήν
Text source I. Ševčenko 1969-1970, Poems on the Deaths of Leo VI and Constantine VII in the Madrid Manuscript of Scylitzes, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 23-24, 187-228: 190
Text status Text completely known
Editorial status Critical text
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Subject(s) John I Tzimiskes (925 - 10/01/976) - PMBZ: 24932: "Personenkennziffer: 22778"
Tag(s) Miniature
Number of verses 7
Occurrence(s) [30548] κίνει κατ' ἐχθρῶ(ν) δεξιὰν τὴν ὁπλίτιν [12th c.]
MADRID - Biblioteca Nacional Vitr. 26-2 (olim N.2) [12th c.] (f. 159r)
(7 verses)

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Identification Vassis ICB 2005, 406: "In Ioann. Tzimiscem imp."
Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/30515
Last modified: 2020-03-03.