Type 30491

Δότε μοι θρήνους ᾄδοντι ῥεῦσαι πηγὰς δακρύων,
κλαύσομαι τὸν δεσπότην μου, θρηνήσω μου τὸν φίλον.
τοῦτο ἡ ματαιότης.
τί μοι στυγνάζεις ἥλιε, τί ζοφερὸν ἀνίσχεις;
πάντως, ὅτι τὸν Λέοντα τὸν ἄνακτα οὐ βλέπεις.
τοῦτο ἡ ματαιότης.
τί μοι, σελήνη, ἕοικας νυκτὶ μελανωμένῃ;
πάντως, ὅτι τὸν ἥλιον τὸν Λέοντα οὐ βλέπεις.
τοῦτο ἡ ματαιότης.
τί μοι καὶ πόλος ἅναστρος ἀπὸ νεφῶν σπιλάδος;
τάχα λιβὰς ἐπύκνωσε δακρύων τὸν αἰθέρα.
τίς γὰρ ὁ μὴ θρηνήσας;
"Μὰ τὸν φωσφόρον ἥλιον," κύκλος σελήνης εἴπεν,
"ἤθελον τὸν ὑπέργλυκυν ἀκμὴν Λέοντα βλέπειν."
τοῦτο ἡ ματαιότης.
"Μὰ τὸυς χθονίους ἅπαντας," ζοφερὸς Ἅιδης εἴπεν,
"ὅτι μοι Λέων πρόωρος ἦλθεν, οὐκ ἀντιλέγω."
τοῦτο ἡ ματαιότης.
βάλλετε γόους, βάλλετε, δάκρυσι μεμιγμένους:
ὅλον τὸν τάφον πλήσατε τῶν ἐμῶν στεναγμάτων.
τὰ πάντα ματαιότης.
Title(s) Εἰς Λέοντα τὸν βασιλέα
Text source I. Ševčenko 1969-1970, Poems on the Deaths of Leo VI and Constantine VII in the Madrid Manuscript of Scylitzes, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 23-24, 187-228: 194
Text status Text completely known
Editorial status Critical text
Metre(s) Decapentasyllable
Subject(s) Leo VI the Philosopher (866-912) - PMBZ: 26465: "Personenkennziffer: 24311"
Translation(s) Provide me, when I sing my dirge, with springs of tears o'erflowing;
I shall bewail the Lord of mine, lament my friend's departure.
O vanity triumphant!
O Sun, why is thy face in gloom, thy rise in mists enveloped?
Methinks, because no longer doth thine eye behold Lord Leo.
O vanity triumphant!
O Moon, why art thou like unto the black night's deepest darkness?
Methinks, because no longer dost thou see our sun, Lord Leo.
O vanity triumphant!
Why is the sky without a star, with stormy clouds cast over?
Methinks the rising flow of tears condensed the ether's thinness;
For who has not lamented?
"By Sun's light-bringing radiance," Moon's orb was heard declaring
"I wish I still could look upon my sweetest Master Leo."
O vanity triumphant!
"By all who fill the nether world," chimed in the gloomy Hades,
"I don't deny that Leo came to me before his hour."
O vanity triumphant!
Send forth, send forth a wailing cry, with bitter sobs commingled,
Let Leo's sepulchre be fraught with my sad lamentations.
All is vanity's kingdom.
I. Ševčenko 1969-1970, Poems on the Deaths of Leo VI and Constantine VII in the Madrid Manuscript of Scylitzes, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 23-24, 187-228: 195
Number of verses 21
Occurrence(s) [30532] δότε μοι θρήνους ἅδοντι ῥεῦσαι πηγὰς δακρύων [12th c.]
MADRID - Biblioteca Nacional Vitr. 26-2 (olim N.2) [12th c.] (f. 116v)
(21 verses)

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Identification Vassis ICB 2005, 154: "In obitum Leonis VI imp."
Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/30491
Last modified: 2020-10-29.