
DBBE is hosted by Ghent University, Department of Literary Studies, Greek Section.


Funding has been provided by

The Hercules Foundation of the Flemish Government (2010-2015)

Book Epigrams from Medieval Greek Manuscripts. Compilation of an Unexplored Corpus and Creation of a Searchable Database.

Promoters: Kristoffel Demoen, Gunnar De Boel, Marc De Groote, Koen De Temmerman, Mark Janse.

The Special Research Fund of Ghent University (2015-2020)

Poetry from the Margins. Literary, linguistic, philological and cultural-historical analysis of a new corpus of Byzantine book epigrams (800-1453).

Promoters: Kristoffel Demoen, Marc De Groote, Mark Janse. 
Co-promoters: Floris Bernard, Klaas Bentein, Koen De Temmerman, Tjamke Snijders, Peter Van Nuffelen.


To meet the people behind the abbreviation, please visit our Team page.



The following publications by members of the DBBE team focus on book epigrams, including editions of or commentaries on hitherto inaccessible texts.


  • R. Ricceri, "The Byzantine Reception of the Metaphrasis Psalmorum: Paratextuality and Visual Representation",
    in: R. Ceulemans and B. Crostini (eds), Receptions of the Bible in Byzantium: Texts, Manuscripts, and their Readers, Uppsala: Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia.
  • K. Demoen, "An Aristophanean Epigram on the Psalter",
    in: C. Barber and F. Spingou (eds), Medieval Texts on Byzantine Arts and Aesthetics, vol. 3: From Alexios I Komnenos to the Rise of Hesychasm (1081-ca. 1330), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • K. Demoen, "Book Epigrams",
    in: C. Barber and F. Spingou (eds), Medieval Texts on Byzantine Arts and Aesthetics, vol. 3: From Alexios I Komnenos to the Rise of Hesychasm (1081-ca. 1330), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • K. Demoen, "Epigrams on the Evangelists in an illuminated Gospel Book",
    in: C. Barber and F. Spingou (eds), Medieval Texts on Byzantine Arts and Aesthetics, vol. 3: From Alexios I Komnenos to the Rise of Hesychasm (1081-ca. 1330), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • M. Tomadaki, "Constantine Manasses, A Dedicatory Epigram to the Sebastokratorissa Eirene",
    in: C. Barber and F. Spingou (eds), Medieval Texts on Byzantine Arts and Aesthetics, vol. 3: From Alexios I Komnenos to the Rise of Hesychasm (1081-ca. 1330), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • R. Ricceri and R. Meesters, "A metrical colophon on John Klimax’s Ladder of divine ascent",
    in: C. Barber and F. Spingou (eds), Medieval Texts on Byzantine Arts and Aesthetics, vol. 3: From Alexios I Komnenos to the Rise of Hesychasm (1081-ca. 1330), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • R. Ricceri, "A laudatory epigram on Gregory of Nazianzos",
    in: C. Barber and F. Spingou (eds), Medieval Texts on Byzantine Arts and Aesthetics, vol. 3: From Alexios I Komnenos to the Rise of Hesychasm (1081-ca. 1330), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.







  • K. Demoen, "La poésie de la συλλογή. Les paratextes métriques des manuscrits byzantins et le (vocabulaire du) recueil",
    in: C. Gastgeber, C. Messis, D. Muresan & F. Ronconi (eds), Pour l'amour de Byzance: hommage à Paolo Odorico (Eastern and Central European Studies 3), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013, pp. 89-98.


  • K. Bentein and K. Demoen, "The Reader in Eleventh-century Book Epigrams",
    in: F. Bernard and K. Demoen (eds), Poetry and its Contexts in Eleventh-century Byzantium, Farnham: Ashgate, 2012, pp. 69-88.
  • F. Bernard and K. Demoen, "Byzantine book epigrams from manuscripts to a digital database",
    in: C. Clivaz, J. Meizoz, F. Vallotton and J. Verheyden (eds), From Ancient Manuscripts to the Digital Era: Readings and Literacies, Proceedings, Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2012, pp. 431-440.


  • K. Bentein and F. Bernard, "A Cycle of Book Epigrams on the Four Evangelists",
    Scriptorium 65.2 (2011), pp. 237-249.



Conference papers and presentations

We seek to disseminate our ideas and discuss them as widely as possible.







  • Julie Boeten, Metrical Variation in the Ὥσπερ ξένοι Book Epigrams.
    Varieties of Late Antique and Byzantine Greek, Gent, 1-2 December 2016
  • Krystina Kubina, The Many Ways of Reading Poetry in Late Byzantium: Manuel Philes' Laudatory Poems.
    Gent, 24 November 2016
  • Rachele Ricceri, Texts, Paratexts, Manuscripts: the Reception of the Psalms in the Metaphrasis Psalmorum.
    23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Thematic session on "Byzantines and the Bible", Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016
  • Julie Boeten and Sien De Groot, Byzantine Book Epigrams: The Case of ὥσπερ ξένοι …
    23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016
  • Maria Tomadaki and Emilie M. van Opstall, Book Epigrams on Ancient Poets.
    23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Round table "Poetic Circles and Anthologies in Byzantium”, Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016
  • Sien De Groot and Julie Boeten, Byzantine Book Epigrams: Poetry from the Margins.
    17th Annual CBOMGS Postgraduate Colloquium, Birmingham, 4 June 2016
  • Julie Boeten and Sien De Groot, Byzantine Book Epigrams: A Pragmatic Analysis of Medieval Meter.
    Dialing Lecture, Gent, 2 June 2016
  • Kristoffel Demoen, Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams.
    Dumbarton Oaks, 3 May 2016
  • Sien De Groot, Byzantine Book Epigrams: Poetry of Transmission.
    U4 Winter School, Istanbul, 8-12 March 2016
  • Julie Boeten, Byzantine Book Epigrams: A Pragmatic Analysis of Medieval Meter.
    U4 Winter School, Istanbul, 8-12 March 2016


  • Maria Tomadaki, Βυζαντινά βιβλιακά επιγράμματα αφιερωμένα σε κείμενα και συγγραφείς της αρχαίας ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας / Book Epigrams on Texts and Authors of Ancient Greek Literature.
    8th Meeting of Greek Byzantinists, Athens, 16-18 December 2015
  • Mark Janse, The Principle of Pairing: A Cognitive Approach to Byzantine Versification.
    Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Seminar, Oxford, 27 May 2015


  • Renaat Meesters, The Visual Representation of Paratexts in Byzantine Manuscripts. Case study: The Colophon Verse.
    Ghent Institute for Classical Studies, Ghent, 24 October 2014
  • Kristoffel Demoen, Metrische parateksten in Griekse manuscripten. Een elektronisch corpus en een tragisch voorbeeld.
    Nederlandse Hellenistendag, Groningen, 24 January 2014


  • Renaat Meesters and Floris Bernard, Towards a Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams. Building a Contextual Corpus of Paratexts.
    VIII. Colloque International de Paléographie Grecque, Hamburg, 26 September 2013
  • Kristoffel Demoen, The ‘Bookishness’ of Epigrams on Authors and Texts.
    International Conference "Greek Literary Epigram: From the Hellenistic to the Early Byzantine Era", London, 11-13 September 2013
  • Renaat Meesters, Byzantine Book Epigrams as Living Texts. Meeting Points between Authors, Manuscripts and Readers.
    U4 Winter School, Palermo, 6 March 2013


  • Kristoffel Demoen, Adscripta métriques dans les manuscrits byzantins.
    EHESS, Paris, 12 February 2012


  • Kristoffel Demoen, Towards an on-line database of Byzantine book epigrams.
    22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Round table "Instrumenta Studiorum", Sofia, 22-27 August 2011
  • Floris Bernard, A Database of Poetic Paratexts in Byzantine Manuscripts: At the Threshold between Text and Context.
    Conference From Ancient Manuscripts to the Digital Era. Readings and Literacies. UNIL, Lausanne, 24 August 2011


For an overview of events organised by DBBE, please check our News and Events page.


We are much obliged to Ioannis Vassis for his help and support at different stages of our project as well as to Marina Detoraki, Marc Lauxtermann and Andreas Rhoby.

We are very grateful to Georgi Parpulov for his constant input and the numerous additions he has pointed to.

The Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung has granted our team members unrestricted access to their collection of digitized microfilms, allowing us for a much more accurate presentation of our occurrences.

We want to express our gratitude to the Academia Belgica in Rome, which over the course of the years has granted our collaborators scholarships and accommodation, as well as to the many Libraries and Monasteries around Europe where we have had the opportunity to consult manuscripts.

Also, we would like to thank all participants of our 2015 workshop for their constructive feedback, which greatly improved this database.

Finally, we are grateful to Mario D'AmbrosiMatteo Di FrancoElina DobryninaNadezhda Kavrus-Hoffmann, Santo Lucà, Andrea LuzziIlias TaxidisFrancesco Valerio and Niccolò Zorzi for sharing with us (their) publications and other information relevant to DBBE.

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