Occurrence 31590

Type(s) [31591] Εὐεπίης ἁπάσης ἐπιΐδμονα θεῖον Ὅμηρον (6 verses)
Text source A. Cataldi Palau, 2011, A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts from the Meerman Collection in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: 235
Text status Text partially unknown
Date 12th c.
Manuscript OXFORD - Bodleian Library - Auct. T. 2.7 [12th c.]
Place in Manuscript f. 420r
Palaeographical information Cataldi-Palau (2011: 235): 'written alternatively in carmin red and in black, preceded by an indication of the type of verse used':
v. 1 red ink, 'ἡρωι(κός)'
v. 2 black ink, 'ἐλεγ(εῖος)'
v. 3 red ink, 'ἀνακρε(όν)τ(ειος)'
v. 4 black ink, 'κουκούλ(ιον)'
v. 5 red ink, 'ἴαμβ(ος)'
v. 6 black ink, 'πολιτ(ικός)'
Contextual information Written at the end of the manuscript.
The verses are followed by the following text: "[red] εὐεπίην ποθέ(ων) τε κ(αὶ) ἱμερόεσσ(αν) ἀοιδ(ὴν) τ(ὴν) σ(ήν)· οὐ(ρα)νίης ἐπιίστορ Ὅμηρε σοφί(η)ς | [black] προφρονέ(ως) ἔθελον κινέ(ειν) ἔτι τ(ὴν) γραφίδ(α)· ἀλλά με τέρμα βίβλ(ου) τ(ῆ)ς δ' ἰσκ[...]εν | [red] πάντ(ων) μ(ὲν) κ[ο]ρ(ος) (ἐστὶν) ἔπ(ος) τεὸν ἔπλεθ' Ὅμηρε· τῶδ' ἔτι τυπ(ὸν) ἐγὼν ὧδε φρονέ(ων) ὠνε(.)θ.. | [black] σῶν δ' ἐπέων κόρ(ος), οὔ καί ποτ' ἐσεῖτ(αι) μουσοπόλωσι(ν)." (Cataldi-Palau 2011: 235)
Genre(s) Author-related epigram
Subject(s) Homer (8th c. BC)
Number of verses 6

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Last modified: 2020-08-24.