Occurrence 30075

Type(s) [30077] Χριστῷ τελειῷ χάρις ἐγράφει χειρῖ (4 verses)
Text source DBBE (Inspection of a reproduction of the manuscript)
Text status Text completely known
Date 9th c.
Manuscript SAINT PETERSBURG - Rossijskaja Nacional'naja biblioteka (RNB) - Ф. № 906 (Gr.) Gr. 262 (Granstrem 63) [9th c.]
Place in Manuscript f. 1v
Solomon (9th c.) - PMBZ: 18055: "Personenkennziffer: 6838,1/plus" (diakonos)
Palaeographical information Written in majuscule, in cinnabar ink (Granstrem, 1959: 232).
Contextual information Follows the conclusion of Psalm 150 (verse 6), des. 'Πᾶσα πνοὴ αἰνεσάτω τὸν κύριον'. Followed by a brief reference to the contents of the manuscript in prose by the same hand, and a coptic 13th century colophon in prose.
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Scribe-related epigram
Comment 2 δια(κ)(...) γ(ο)ν(ος) ] διακ/ γνο Beneševič (1911: 607); διακ(όνου) γνο... Granstrem (1959: 232) | αβου ταμρα ] ms., Beneševič, Granstrem.
See Granstrem, idem, n. 15: 'the words αβου ταμρα are unclear'.
The metrical structure of this occurrence is problematic.
Number of verses 4
Related occurrence(s) [25490] χ(ριστ)ῶ τελείω καὶ συνεργῶ ἡ χάρις [13th c.]
VATICAN CITY - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - Vat. gr. 1525 [11th-13th c.] (f. 210r)
(1 verse) (1/4)

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/30075
Last modified: 2023-06-08.