Type(s) |
[6184] Ὁ Μάρκος ἰδὼν τὸ σκότος τῆς ἀπάτης
(4 verses)
Text source |
(Inspection of a reproduction of the manuscript)
Text status |
Text completely known |
Date |
14th c. |
Manuscript |
MOSCOW - Gosudarstvennyj Istoričeskij Musej (GIM) - Sinod. gr. 407 (Vlad. 25) [12th-14th c.]
Place in Manuscript |
f. 86r -- (alt.) f. 80r |
Palaeographical information |
Written in red ink. |
Contextual information |
The epigram is written inside a headpiece preceding the Gospel of Mark and faces a miniature of the evangelist on f. 85v. |
Metre(s) |
Genre(s) |
Subject(s) |
Comment |
Treu (1966a: 259) gives no text but refers to von Soden (1902: 379).
A color image is available in Rhoby (2018: 699). |
Bibliography |
K. Demoen 2022, Manuel Philes and (An) Anonymous Poet(s): Epigrams on the Evangelists in an Illuminated Gospel Manuscript, in F. Spingou (ed.), The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (vol. 2), Cambridge / New York, 1388-1397: 1392
E. Dobrynina, 2014, New Testament with the Psalter Greek Illuminated Manuscript at the State Historical Museum in Moscow Collected articles edited by E. N. Dobrynina, Moscow: 16, 63
A. Rhoby, 2018, Ausgewählte Byzantinische Epigramme in Illuminierten Handschriften, Wien: 381-382
Number of verses |
4 |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.
Permalink |
https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/23934 |