Occurrence 22845
(formerly occ/6734)

Type(s) [5586] Εἰ Παύλου στόμα τοῦ Χρυσοστόμου στόμα (3 verses)
Text source H. Hunger, C. Hannick, W. Lackner, 1992, Katalog der griechischen Handschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Codices Theologici 201-337 (vol. 3.3), Vienna: 284
Text status Text completely known
Date 1451-1500
Manuscript VIENNA - Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) - theol. gr. 285 [1459]
Place in Manuscript f. 179r
Contextual information The epigram precedes John Chrysostom's Homily on Easter.
The first verse alludes to another book epigram (Type 4312) referring to John Chrysostom as being Παύλου στόμα:
Χριστοῦ στόμα πέφυκε τὸ Παύλου στόμα,
στόμα δὲ Παύλου τὸ Χρυσοστόμου στόμα.
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Author-related epigram
Number of verses 3
Related occurrence(s)

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/22845
Last modified: 2022-12-20.