Type(s) |
[5555] Τῆς τῶν Τριβαλῶν κραλαίνης ἔστι τόδε
(7 verses)
Text source |
N. Bees, 1984, Τὰ χειρόγραφα των Μετεώρων : κατάλογος περιγραφικός των χειρογράφων κωδίκων των αποκειμένων εις τας μονὰς των Μετεώρων. Τὰ χειρόγραφα της Μονὴς Βαρλαάμ (vol. 2), Athens: 194
Text status |
Text completely known |
Date |
1326-1375 |
Manuscript |
METEORA - Mone Barlaam 151 [1326-1375]
Place in Manuscript |
f. 295v |
Person(s) |
- Scribe
Theoktistos (14th c.)
Palaeographical information |
The last verse is written by another later hand. |
Metre(s) |
Genre(s) |
Subject(s) |
Eugenia (14th c.) - PLP: III.91854 (kralaina)
Bibliography |
Number of verses |
7 |
Related occurrence(s) |
[18735] τῆς τῶν τριβάλων κραλαίνης | (ἐργον τόδε)
VIENNA - Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) - theol. gr. 138 [1301-1350]
(f. 213v)
(1 verse)
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.
Permalink |
https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/22792 |