Occurrence 21721
(formerly occ/5572)

Type(s) [4985] Βίβλος Μαμουνᾶ ἦν, εὖτε τάδ' ἐγράφετο (1 verse)
Text source DBBE (Inspection of a reproduction of the manuscript)
Text status Text completely known
Date 16th c.
Manuscript ROME - Biblioteca Angelica gr. 14 (C.5.1) [1301-1325]
Place in Manuscript f. 168r
Georgios Korinthios - RGK: III.107e - VGH: 78.E (komes)
Contextual information The verse is immediately followed by the following ex-libris 'ὅτε δὲ καὶ τάδ' ἐγράφετο Γεωργίου κόμητος Κορίνθ(ου) or Κορινθ(ίου)'. Both are written by the same hand, i.e. Georgios Korinthios (cf. Gallavotti (1980: 243-244)).
Metre(s) Other
Genre(s) Scribe-related epigram
Subject(s) Markos Mamounas of Crete < Greece (15th-16th c.) - RGK: III.432e - VGH: 289.F - PLP: VII.16574
Image source(s) http://www.internetculturale.it/jmms/iccuviewer/iccu.jsp?id=oai%3Awww.internetculturale.sbn.it%2FTeca%3A20%3ANT0000%3ACNMD%5C%5C0000116593&mode=all&teca=MagTeca+-+ICCU&viewType=onepage&mediaType=image&objectIndex=345
Number of verses 1
Related occurrence(s)

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/21721
Last modified: 2021-07-30.