Occurrence 19809
(formerly occ/3386)

+ ἀλλ' ὦ παρθένε δέσποινα, χριστιανῶν τὸ κλέος·
ἁμαρτανόντων ἐγγυὴς | καὶ τῶν κατερραγμέν(ων)·
ἐλπίς μοι ἀπροσμάχητον, τῶν εἰς σὲ πεποι|θότων·
ἡ προστασία τῶν πιστῶν καὶ σ(ωτη)ρία κόσμου.
ἡ γέφυρα ἡ φέρουσα πιστοὺς ἐν παραδείσω·
σκέπασον φρούρησον κἀμοὶ | βαρλαὰμ ἱερομονάχω·
πν(ευματ)ικῶ π(ατ)ρὶ καὶ ὑποψηφίω καισα|ροπόλεως·
καὶ δός μοι τὴν συγχώρησιν τῶν πεπλημμε|λημένων·
ἵνα κὰγώ σοι δέσποινα δοξάζων μεγαλύνω·
σὺν τῶ υἱῶ σου καὶ θ(ε)ῶ, εἰς πάντας τοὺς αἰῶνας :+
Type(s) [3848] Ἀλλ' ὦ παρθένε δέσποινα Χριστιανῶν τὸ κλέος (10 verses)
Text source
Text status Text completely known
Date 1367
Manuscript ISTANBUL - Patriarchike Bibliotheke - Hagia Trias 70 [1367]
Place in Manuscript f. 370v
Barlaam (14th c.) - PLP: II.2268 (hieromonachos, hypopsefios of Kaisaropolis)
Thomas (14th c.) - RGK: II.189 - VGH: 151.G - PLP: IV.7776
Palaeographical information The poem itself seems to have been written by another hand than the main text (Tsakopoulos (1956: 53): 'Κάτωθεν δι' ἄλλης χειρὸς καλλιγράφου'). The scribe is responsible for the preceding subscriptio ('σημείωσις διὰ χειρὸς τοῦ γραφέως (...)').

According to Binggeli et al. (2019: 165-166), this poem has been written by hieromonachos Barlaam, the patron of the manuscript.
Contextual information Preceded by an inscription indicating the date of the manuscript completion, as well as the names of the scribe and the patron. Incipit: 'ἐτελειώθ(η) τὸ παρὸν ἑξαμηναῖον συναξάριον'.
Metre(s) Decapentasyllable
Genre(s) Scribe-related epigram
Subject(s) Theotokos
Number of verses 10

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/19809
Last modified: 2019-09-30.