Occurrence 19389
(formerly occ/2871)

Type(s) [3479] Τοῦτον ἀνὴρ Γαζῆς λόγιός τε φίλος τε Φιλέλφῳ (2 verses)
Text source DBBE (Inspection of a reproduction of the manuscript)
Text status Text completely known
Date 1440-1443
Manuscript FLORENCE - Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) - Plut. 32, Cod. 1 [1440-1443]
Place in Manuscript f. 654v
Franciscus Philelphus (1398-1481) - RGK: II.520, III.606 - VGH: 105.B - PLP: XII.29803
Palaeographical information Written in red Auszeichnungsmajuskel.
Contextual information The epigram is followed by a Latin translation: 'Eloquio pollens gazes et amore philelfo hunc mihi francisco theodorus scripsit homerum'.
Metre(s) Dactylic hexameter
Comment According to some authors, these verses might be from the hand of Franciscus Philelphus, based on palaeographical grounds and the fact that the first person speaking in the epigram is Philelphus (cf. Pontani (1992: 116-117) and Speranzi (2012: 331, n. 26) with further literature).
Image source(s) http://mss.bmlonline.it/s.aspx?Id=AWOIexcBI1A4r7GxMH6g&c=Homeri%20Rhapsodia,%20quam%20scripsit%20Theodorus%20Gaza#/oro/1316
Number of verses 2

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/19389
Last modified: 2024-09-17.