Occurrence 17059
(formerly occ/174)

∙:∙ ὁ τὸ γόν(...)λίνον συ βασίλ(...) πέλον:
πολλὺς περιπέπτοκα κακυς ἀπλίστο(ς):
καὶ αἰσχροῖ(...) ἐρρύποσα ψυχ(...) χητόνα:
νῦν δὲ τοῖς ἀχράντοις σου ποσὶ(ν) ἡψάμ(...):
προ(σ)ενέγκο συ τόδε τὸ μεγαλίον:
καὶ ἐτούμενο(ς) (...)ντίλυτρ(ον) λαβίν με:
πρέσβευσον ὡς ἔχ(...) μ(ητ)ρωα σπλάγχ(...):
προσὸν (...)ὰρ ὃν (...) δεσπότ(...) πά(...)τ(...):
(...) ἐπιβραβεύσε (...) πτεσμάτ(ων) λῦσιν:
Type(s) [2033] Ὁ τὸ γόνυ κλίνων σοι Βασίλης πέλων (9 verses)
Text source DBBE (Inspection of a reproduction of the manuscript)
Text status Text completely known
Date 1061
Manuscript JERUSALEM - Mone Megales Panaghias sine numero [1061]
Place in Manuscript f. 1v
Basileios (11th c.)
Ioannes (11th c.) - VGH: 211.A
Palaeographical information Written in majuscule.
Contextual information The inscription accompanies a miniature depicting a donor in proskynesis before the Theotokos.
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Comment The name of the sponsor, Βασίλειος, is too long to fit the metre in verse 1.
The last verse has thirteen instead of the expected twelve syllables.
Image source(s) https://www.loc.gov/resource/amedmonastery.00279395025-jo/?sp=4
Number of verses 9

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/17059
Last modified: 2020-08-25.