Content |
Person(s) |
- Patron
Kyprianos (13th c.) (kathegetes of the Monastery of Saint Nicholas < Calamizzi < Rhegion < Calabria < Southern Italy < Italy)
- Scribe
Laurentios (13th c.) - VGH: 257.K, 257.L (monotropos of the Monastery of Saint Nicholas < Calamizzi < Rhegion < Calabria < Southern Italy < Italy)
Date |
01/03/1242-31/03/1242 |
Bibliography |
V. Beneševič, 1911, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum graecorum qui in monasterio Sanctae Catharinae in monte asservantur. Codices manuscripti notabiliores bibliothecae monasterii Sinaitici ejusque metochii Cahirensis, ab archimandrita Porphyrio (Uspenskio) descripti (vol. 1), Saint-Petersburg: 217-219
F. Euangelatou-Notara 1983, Ἕλληνες γραφεῖς τοῦ 13ου αἰῶνα: Προσθῆκες καὶ διορθώσεις στὸ Εὑρετήριο τῶν Vogel-Gardthausen, Δίπτυχα Ἑταιρείας Βυζαντινῶν καὶ Μεταβυζαντινῶν Μελετῶν, 3, 184-239: 217
F. Euangelatou-Notara, 1984, Συλλογὴ χρονολογημένων σημειωμάτων ἑλληνικῶν κωδίκων. 13ος αἰώνας, Athens: 44
M. Foti 1991, Lo scriptorium del Salvatore di Messina, in G. Cavallo, G. De Gregorio, M. Maniaci (eds.), Scritture, libri e testi nelle aree provinciali di Bisanzio. Atti del Seminario di Erice (18-25 settembre 1988) (vol. 1), Spoleto, 389-416: 412
V. Gardthausen, 1886, Catalogus codicum graecorum sinaiticorum, Oxford: 127
M. Kamil, 1970, Catalogue of all manuscripts in the Monastery of St. Catharine on Mount Sinai, Wiesbaden: 91
S. Lucà 2023, Italograeca, III. Reggio Calabria, Biblioteca Comunale «Pietro De Nava», Pergamene e Rari, perg. nr. 64: frammento di Lezionario del secolo XII (con un’appendice su qualche manoscritto greco di incerta attribuzione all’Italia meridionale), Archivio storico per la Calabria e la Lucania, 89, 41-82: 52
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Identification |
Diktyon (Pinakes), 58897
Comment |
The manuscript has also the number 393 in Benesevic's catalogue and the number 745 in Kamil's catalogue.
Kamil (1970: 91) dates the manuscript to the tenth century. |
Occurrences |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.