Type 6880
(formerly typ/4782)

- Ὅρα, γεραιέ, μὴ πεσεῖται τὸ βρέφος
ὑποτρεμούσης τῷ χρόνῳ τῆς ἀγκάλης.
- Θεός, πατὴρ αἰῶνος, ὃ βλέπεις βρέφος,
ὥστ’ οὐ πεσεῖται· τὰς δὲ χεῖρας ἑδράσοι.
Text source G. Papagiannis, 1997, Theodoros Prodromos, Jambische und hexametrische Tetrasticha auf die Haupterzählungen des Alten und des Neuen Testaments. Text und Indices (vol. 2), Wiesbaden: 250
Text status Text completely known
Editorial status Critical text
Genre(s) Text-related epigram
Theodore Prodromos (12th c.) - PBW: Theodoros/25001/
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Subject(s) Jesus Christ (10 BC-1 BC - 30-33)
Tag(s) Reference to content of the book
Number of verses 4
Occurrence(s) [25762] Ηρα γεραὶ μὴ πεσεῖται τὸ βρέφος [1326]
LONDON - British Library - Add. 5117 [24/02/1326] (f. 11r)
(4 verses)
Related type(s)
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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/6880
Last modified: 2022-01-14.