Type 6375
(formerly typ/4337)

Ὁ πύρινος νοῦς τὸν θεάνθρωπον Λόγον
Τῷ παρθενικῷ μηνύει σοι βιβλίῳ·
Τῷ γὰρ νοητῷ καλάμῳ τοῦ Πνεύματος
Γράψει θεός σοι παγγενῆ σωτηρίαν.
Title(s) Εἰς τὸν εὐαγγελισμόν
Text source E. Miller, 1855, Manuelis Philae Carmina (vol. 1), Paris: 3
Text status Text completely known
Editorial status Critical text
Genre(s) Text-related epigram
Manuel Philes (1275-1345) - PLP: XII.29817
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Tag(s) Spiritual value of the book
Comment The actual status of this epigram as a book epigram is questionable.
Number of verses 4
Occurrence(s) [24485] ὁ πΰρϊνος νοῦς τὸν θεάνθρωπον λόγον [14th c.]
ATHENS - Ethnike Bibliotheke tes Hellados - Metochion Pan. Taphou 351 [14th c.] (f. 1r)
(4 verses)
Acknowledgements Information on the type courtesy of Foteini Spingou.

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Identification Vassis ICB 2005, 541: "Manuel Philes, In annuntiationem"
Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/6375
Last modified: 2024-04-02.