Type 5723
(formerly typ/3764)

Τοῦ μυθογράφου Συντίπα κατὰ Σύρους,
μᾶλλον δὲ Περσῶν τοὺς σοφοὺς λογογράφους,
αὕτη πέφυκεν ἣν βλέπεις δέλτος, φίλε.
Ἣν καὶ Συρικοῖς τοῖς λόγοις γεγραμμένην
εἰς τὴν παροῦσαν αὐτὸς Ἑλλάδα φράσιν
μετήγαγόν τε καὶ γέγραφα τὴν βίβλον,
τῶν γραμματικῶν ἔσχατός γε τυγχάνων,
Ἀνδρεόπωλος Μιχαήλ, Χριστοῦ λάτρις,
ἔργον τεθεικὼς προστεταγμένον τόδε
παρὰ Γαβριὴλ τοῦ μεγιστάνων κλέους,
δουκὸς σεβαστοῦ πόλεως μελωνύμου,
ὃς ἐστι Χριστοῦ θερμὸς ὄντως ἱκέτης.
Ὃς καὶ διωρίσατο γραφῆναι τάδε,
ὅτι γε μὴ πρόσεστι Ῥωμαίων βίβλοις.
Ἡ συγγραφὴ γὰρ ἥδε τοὺς κακεργάτας
διασύρει μάλιστα καὶ πρὸς τῷ τέλει
πράξεις ἐπαινεῖ τὰς καλῶς εἰργασμένας.
Title(s) Ἡ ἀρχὴ τῆς βίβλου ἔνε οὕτως
Text source V. Jernstedt, P. Nikitin, 1912, Mich. Andreopuli Liber Syntipae, Saint Petersburg: 2
Text status Text completely known
Editorial status Not a critical text
Michael Andreopoulos (11th c.) (grammatikos, latres)
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Translation(s) The beginning of the book reads as follows: the volume that you behold, my friend, is that of the fable-writer Syntipas, according to [scil. the traditions of] the Syrians, or, rather, the learned Persian authors. I, Michael Andreopoulos, a Christian, and the most humble grammatikos, have translated the book, originally written in Syriac, into the Greek that you see before you, and have also written it in my own hand. This book is my own endeavor, and a commission of the illustrious patrician Gabriel, the revered duke of the city that derives its name from the word “honey,” and a truly ardent servant of Christ. He ordered it to be written because the Romans did not possess such a volume. Above all, this story derides evildoers and, towards its end, praises righteous deeds.
I. Toth 2014, Authorship and Authority in the Book of the Philosopher Syntipas, in A. Pizzone (ed.), The Author in Middle Byzantine Literature: Modes, Functions, and Identities, Boston / Berlin, 87-102: 88
Comment Toth (2014: 89): "The poem amalgamates two distinct epigrammatic genres, the scribal colophon and the dedication, but it also displays features typical of academic prologues that introduce texts with brief accounts about the authors, and the contents and purpose of their work."
Number of verses 17
Occurrence(s) [23073] Τοῦ μυθογράφου συντίπα κατὰ σύρους [1251-1300]
MOSCOW - Gosudarstvennyj Istoričeskij Musej (GIM) - Sinod. gr. 298 (Vlad. 436) [1251-1300] (f. 251v)
(17 verses)

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Identification Vassis ICB 2005, 792: "Michael Andreopulus, Prologus in narrationem de Syntipa"
Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/5723
Last modified: 2021-10-25.