Type 5291
(formerly typ/3336)
Ὡς ὁδοιπόροις πατρίδα φθάσαι, | |
οὕτω καὶ τοῖς γράφουσιν, βίβλιου τέλος. |
Text source | S. Kadas, 2000, Τὰ σημειώματα τῶν χειρογράφων τῆς Ἱερᾱς Μεγίστης Μονῆς Βατοπαιδίου, Mount Athos: 57 |
Text status | Text completely known |
Editorial status | Not a critical text |
Genre(s) | Scribe-related epigram |
Metre(s) | Dodecasyllable |
Tag(s) | Completion of the book |
Translation(s) |
As it is for travelers to reach the fatherland, So is for writers the end of their book. |
Comment | Bernard (2018: 36): "In the first verse, two kola of five syllables are combined, resulting in a ten-syllable ‘dodecasyllable’." Boeten, Janse (2018: 84-85): "Thus we find a pentasyllabic colon on either side of the strong caesura at B5, which is of course metrically irregular within the framework of the dodecasyllable, but nonetheless understandable because the pentasyllabic colon can occur both in pre- and post-caesural positions in a regular dodecasyllable." |
Bibliography |
Number of verses | 2 |
Occurrence(s) |
[16951] Ὡς ὁδοιπόροις πατρίδα φθάσαι
[11th c.]
ATHOS - Mone Batopediou 314 [11th c.] (f. 95v) (2 verses) |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. |
Identification | Vassis ICB 2005, 903: "Librarii nota" |
Permalink | https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/5291 |
Last modified: 2020-09-04.