Type 5207
(formerly typ/3256)

Ἀνὴρ μέγιστος καὶ μοναχὸς Βαρνάβας,
οἰκονόμος μέγιστος ἡγιασμένος
κτήμασι τυγχάνουσιν ἐν νήσῳ Κύπρῳ
τοῦ πατριάρχου τῆς Σιὼν τῆς ἁγίας,
ὑπερβολικὸν τὸν πόθον κεκτημένος
τῶν δαυϊτικῶν καὶ ψυχοτρόφων λόγων,
ψαλτήριον κάλλιστον ὡραϊσμένον
καὶ χρυσολαμπρόμορφον ἠγλαϊσμένον
ἔγραψεν ἱστόρησεν εὐσεβοφρόνως·
ἐξ ἀρετῶν γὰρ λαμπρότητος Βαρνάβας
ψυχὴν καθαρθεὶς καὶ πτερωθεὶς τὰς φρένας
εἰς ὕψος ἀνέδραμε τῶν νοημάτων
τοῦ ψαλματῳδοῦ καὶ προφητικωτάτου·
ὅθεν παριδὼν ὑλικὰς φαντασίας
γέγραφε λαμπρῶς ψαλμικὰς ὑμνῳδίας·
ὡς ἀξίως τάξοιτο τοῦτον δεσπότης
καὶ συναριθμήσοιτο μέτροις ἁγίων
ὡς προκρίναντα τῶν χαμερπῶν πραγμάτων
ψυχῆς καθαρότητα καὶ νοὸς κράτος.
Title(s) Στίχοι εἰς τὸ ψαλτήριον καὶ εἰς τὸν μοναχὸν Βαρνάβα καὶ μέγα οἰκονόμον
Text source A. Rhoby, 2018, Ausgewählte Byzantinische Epigramme in Illuminierten Handschriften, Wien: 193-195
Text status Text completely known
Editorial status Critical text
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
  • A very great man and monk, Barnabas,
    a saintly, very great oikonomos
    for the estates of the patriarch of Holy Sion
    on the island of Cyprus,
    having acquired an overwhelming craving
    for the soul-nourishing, Davidic words,
    wrote and illustrated in a pious spirit
    the most beautiful psalter,
    adorned and shining with a golden appearance.
    For, most radiant with virtues, Barnabas,
    his soul purified and his mind given wings,
    ascended to the height of the psalmist’s
    and mighty prophet’s thoughts.
    Whence, seeing beyond material imagery,
    he has brilliantly written the psalmodic hymns.
    May the Lord assess him worthily and rank him among the saints,
    as one who preferred over earthbound deeds
    a pure soul and a firm mind.
    A. Weyl Carr 2022, Athens, Benaki Museum, Vitr. 34.3, in F. Spingou (ed.), The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (vol. 2), Cambridge / New York, 1424-1428: 1427
  • Verses on the Psalter and on the monk Barnabas also great oikonomos.
    A very great man and monk, Barnabas, a saintly (and) very great oikonomos for the estates of the patriarch of Holy Sion on the island of Cyprus, having succumbed to an overwhelming affection for the Davidic words, nourishing to the soul, wrote and illustrated in a pious spirit the most beautiful psalter, adorned and shining with a golden appearance. Out of the brilliance of his virtues, Barnabas, having purified his soul and given wings to his wit, attained the heights of the thoughts of the psalmist and outstanding prophet. Whence, disregarding material imagery, he brilliantly wrote the psalmodic hymns. May the Lord treat him worthily and number him in the ranks of the saints, as having preferred a pure soul and a firm mind to earthbound deeds.
    A. Cutler, A. Weyl Carr 1976, The Psalter Benaki 34.3. An unpublished illuminated manuscript from the family 2400, Revue des Études Byzantines, 34, 281-324: 314
  • Barnabas, ein überaus großer Mann und Mönch,
    ein überaus großer heiliger Verwalter
    der Besitzungen, die sich auf der Insel Zypern befinden,
    des Patriarchen des heiligen Sion,
    überbordende Sehnsucht besitzend
    nach den seelennährenden Reden Davids,
    ließ ein Psalterion, wunderschön gestaltet
    und goldglänzend ausgeschmückt
    schreiben (und) illustrieren in frommer Gesinnung.
    Denn auf Grund der Pracht seiner Tugenden lief Barnabas
    seelisch gereinigt und geistig beflügelt
    zur Höhe der Gedanken
    des Psalmendichters und hervorragenden Propheten empor.
    Daher sah er über die materiellen Vorstellungen hinweg
    und ließ prächtig Psalmengesänge abschreiben.
    Würdig möge diesen der Herr einordnen und
    dem Reigen der Heiligen zurechnen,
    da er gemeinen Dingen
    der Seele Reinheit und des Geistes Kraft vorzog.
    A. Rhoby, 2018, Ausgewählte Byzantinische Epigramme in Illuminierten Handschriften, Wien: 194
Number of verses 19
Occurrence(s) [22009] Ἀνὴρ μέγιστος κ(αὶ) μοναχὸ(ς) βαρνάβας: [1151-1200]
ATHENS - Mouseio Benaki - Μπ. 68 [1151-1200] (f. 174v-175r)
(19 verses)

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/5207
Last modified: 2023-01-13.