Type 5145
(formerly typ/3204)
Πᾶσιν πέφυκε θηρσὶ καὶ πτηνοῖς μάχη. | |
ἥλω Λίβυσσα στρουθός, ἣ τούσδ’ ἐπλάνα | |
εἶναι μὲν ὄρνις, ἐκ μέρους δὲ θηρίον, | |
πτηνοῖς κάραν δεικνῦσα, τοῖς θηρσὶν πόδας. |
Text source | C. Müller 1897, Ignatii et aliorum tetrasticha iambica, in O. Crusius (ed.), Babrii Fabulae Aesopeae, Lipsiae, 249-296: 272 |
Text status | Text completely known |
Editorial status | Not a critical text |
Genre(s) | Reader-related epigram |
Person(s) | |
Metre(s) | Dodecasyllable |
Bibliography | |
Number of verses | 4 |
Occurrence(s) |
[21915] Πᾶσιν πέφυκε θηρσὶ καὶ πτηνοῖς μάχη
FERRARA - Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea - Cl. II. 117 [1376-1400] (f. 136v) (4 verses) |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. |
Identification | Vassis ICB 2005, 602: "Ignatius Diac., Fabula" |
Permalink | https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/5145 |
Last modified: 2020-11-26.