Type 4483
(formerly typ/2586)
Πάτερ, βοήθει τοῖς ποθοῦσι σὴν βίβλον | |
καὶ συμπόνησον τῷ δρόμῳ τῆς νηστείας. |
Text source | A. Rhoby, 2018, Ausgewählte Byzantinische Epigramme in Illuminierten Handschriften, Wien: 339-340 |
Text status | Text completely known |
Editorial status | Critical text |
Genre(s) | |
Metre(s) | Dodecasyllable |
Subject(s) | John Klimax (6th c. - 7th c.) - PMBZ: 13914: "Personenkennziffer: 2791" |
Tag(s) | |
Critical Notes | 1 σὴν ] σὸν Martini-Bassi |
Translation(s) |
Vater, hilf jenen, die nach deinem Buch verlangen, und sei ein Gehilfe auf dem Weg der Askese.
Bibliography | |
Number of verses | 2 |
Occurrence(s) |
[20947] π(άτ)ερ βοήθει τοῖς πο|θοῦσι σὴν βίβλον
[14th c.]
MILAN - Biblioteca Ambrosiana G 20 sup. [14th c.] (f. 1r) (2 verses) |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. |
Identification | Vassis ICB 2005, 603: "Ad Ioann. Climacum" |
Permalink | https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/4483 |
Last modified: 2020-01-14.