Type 3823
(formerly typ/1925)

Τὴν μικρὰν βίβλον, ἣν ὁρᾷς με, φιλότης,
μέγα χάρμα πρόσειμι τῷ κεκτημένῳ.
Text source M. Formentin, F. Richetti, L. Siben, 2015, Catalogus codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae Nationalis Neapolitanae (vol. 3), Roma: 80
Text status Text completely known
Editorial status Not a critical text
Genre(s) Reader-related epigram
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Translation(s) Quem vides, parvus liber, amice
Magnum gaudium praesto possessori.
S. Cyrillus, 1832, Codices graeci mss Regiae Bibliothecae Borbonicae (vol. 2), Napels: 338
Comment Text of Formentin - Richetti - Siben (2015: 80) modified by DBBE.
Number of verses 2
Occurrence(s) [19760] Τὴν μικρὰν βίβλον ἣν ὁρᾶς με φιλότης [1501-1510]
NAPLES - Biblioteca Nazionale - gr. III B 34 [1501-1510] (f. 2v)
(2 verses)

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Identification Vassis ICB 2005, 734: "In florilegium"
Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/3823
Last modified: 2024-09-12.