Type 34591

Βίβλος γάρ εἰμι εὐκλεή(...)
καρποὺς ἔχουσα ἐνθέους ζω[ηφόρου]ς,
Δαυείδ τε πρῶτον ἀκριβῆ ψαλμῳδίαν
κεὐαγγελιστῶν τὰς φάσεις τῶν τεττάρων,
πράξεις δὲ καὖθις τῶν σοφῶν ἀποστόλων
σὺν καθολικαῖς ἑπτὰ ταῖς σεβασμίαις
κἐπιστολὰς δὶς ἑπτὰ Παύλου ἐγκρίτου
φέρουσα, πιστοῦ Δανιὴλ φιλεντόλου
γόνου τελοῦντος Γαβριὴλ φιλοκάλου
λαμπρᾶς Ἐμίσης αὐτέου τῆς πατρίδος·
ὅνπερ λύτρωσαι, Χριστὲ τῶν πάντων ἄναξ,
τῆς δυσμενώδους καὶ κακῆς ἁμαρτίας,
καταξιῶν τε τῆς ἄνω κληρουχίας,
ζωῆς ἀλήκτου καὶ τρυφῆς αἰωνίου
λιταῖς πανάγνου κἀτρεκοῦς Θεητόκου
τοῦ Προδρόμου τε καὶ σοϕῶν ἀποστόλων
καὶ τοῦ χοροῦ τε τῶν ἁγίων μαρτύρων·
ἀμὴν βοάτω τάξις ἡ οὑρανία.
Text source F. D'Aiuto 2003, Graeca in codici orientali della Biblioteca Vaticana (con i resti di un manoscritto tardoantico delle commedie di Menandro), in L. Perria (ed.), Tra Oriente e Occidente: scritture e libri greci fra le regioni orientali di Bisanzio e l'Italia, Rome, 227-296: 242-243
Text status Text partially unknown
Editorial status Critical text
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
  • I am a reputable book [– – – –] –
    having the divine fruits of life [– –]
    carrying (φέρουσα) first: the precious song of David
    and the accounts of the four evangelists,
    then: the acts of the apostles
    with the seven catholic [epistles], the honourables,
    and the fourteen epistles of Paul the chosen one –
    [book] of the son (γόνου) of the faithful Daniel Philentolos,
    Gabriel Philokalos, who is completing [this work],
    [from] the shining Emesa, his fatherland then.
    May you redeem him, Christ, master of everything,
    from the meanness and the bad sins,
    counting him worthy of the heaven colony,
    the eternal life and delight of eternity,
    by the prayers of the all-saint and true Theotokos,
    of the precursor and the wise apostles,
    and of the choir of the saint martyrs.
    Let the order that is heavenly call out: Amen!
    S. Schulthess 2018, Vaticanus Arabicus 13: What do we Really Know about the Manuscript? With an Additional Note on the Ending of Mark, Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 70(1-2), 63-84: 76-77
  • Je suis un livre réputé [- - - -]
    ayant les fruits divins de la vie [- -] :
    portant (φέρουσα) en premier, le chant exact de David,
    et les récits des quatre évangélistes,
    ensuite, les actes des sages apôtres,
    avec les sept (épîtres) catholiques, les vénérables,
    et les quatorze épîtres de Paul l’élu,
    [livre] du fils (γόνου) du fidèle Daniel philentolos,
    Gabriel philokalos qui achève [l’ouvrage],
    [originaire] d’Emèse resplendissante, alors sa patrie,
    que tu le rachètes, Christ, maître de tout,
    de la méchanceté et des mauvais péchés,
    [le] jugeant digne de la colonie céleste,
    de la vie éternelle et du bien-être pour l’éternité,
    par les prières de la toute sainte et franche Theotokos,
    Du précurseur et des sages apôtres,
    Et du chœur des saints martyrs,
    que l’ordre qui est céleste crie : Amen !
    S. Schulthess, 2018, Les manuscrits arabes des lettres de Paul, Leiden / Boston: 188
Number of verses 18
Occurrence(s) [34596] βίβλος γάρ εἰμι εὐκλεή(...) (...) [9th c.]
VATICAN CITY - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - Vat. ar. 13 [9th c.] (f. 179v)
(18 verses)

The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.

Identification Vassis ICB 2005, 104: "Nota possessoris libri (Vat. arab. 13/179v)"
Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/34591
Last modified: 2023-02-03.