Type 3002
(formerly typ/1103)

τῶν τερπνοφευγῶν μαρτύρων τοῦ Κυρίου
ἔγραψα τὴν ἄθλησιν εὐσεβοφρόνως,
οἰκτρὸς, ταπεινὸς, Ἰωάννης,
λύτρωσιν εὑρεῖν ἠλπικῶς ἁμαρτάδων.
Editorial status Not a critical text
Genre(s) Scribe-related epigram
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Tag(s) Introduction to the subject
Number of verses 4
Occurrence(s) [17123] τῶν τερπνοφευγῶν μαρτύρων τοῦ Κ(υρίο)υ [951-1000]
OXFORD - Bodleian Library - Laud. gr. 68 [951-1000] (f. 118v)
(4 verses)
Identification Vassis ICB 2005, 816: "Librarii subscr."
Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/3002
Last modified: 2020-09-04.