Type 29790
Τῷ φιλτάτῳ μοι τῷ παρακοιμωμένῳ | |
Φιλῆς Μανουὴλ ἐνδεὴς κριθῶν τάδε· |
Text source | K. Kubina 2018, Manuel Philes – a Begging Poet?, in A. Rhoby, N. Zagklas (eds.), Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry. Texts and Contexts, Turnhout, 147-181: 165 |
Text status | Text completely known |
Editorial status | Not a critical text |
Genre(s) | |
Person(s) | |
Metre(s) | Dodecasyllable |
Subject(s) | Manuel Philes (1275-1345) - PLP: XII.29817 |
Tag(s) | |
Translation(s) | To my dearest parakoimomenos Manuel Philes (writes) the following in want of barley. |
Bibliography | |
Number of verses | 2 |
Occurrence(s) |
[29795] Τῶ φιλτάτω μοι τῶ παρακοιμωμένω
[14th c.]
VATICAN CITY - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - Vat. gr. 1126 [14th c.] (f. 176r) (2 verses) |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. |
Identification | Vassis ICB 2005, 819: "Manuel Philes, Ad paracoemomenum propter hordea" |
Permalink | https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/types/29790 |
Last modified: 2021-02-04.