
Name Stylianos
(Self) designation κύριος
As Poet:
[3210] Νίψον ἀνομήματα, μὴ μόναν ὄψιν
Comment See Lauxtermann, "Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres", vol. I, 248: "In a collection of epigrams that derives from the anthology of Cephalas, the palindrome is attributed to a certain Stylianos; the same ascription occurs in a few Palaeologan collections of palindromes. Since
Cephalas is the only source to call Stylianos kyr, “sir”, which is obviously a sign of respect and deference, it is likely that Cephalas knew the author personally.The original setting of the palindrome must have been a church or
monastery in ninth-century Constantinople (perhaps the church erected by Stylianos Zaoutzes, but this is mere speculation)".
Last modified: 2021-08-25.