Occurrence 34286

Type(s) [3106] Τῶν τοῦ μεγίστου Διονυσίου λόγων (4 verses)
Text source G. Prochorov 1983, Греческие эпиграммы в славянском переводе XIV в. и в русской рукописной традиции, in M. Alekseev, N. Baskakov, O. Tvorogov (eds.), Духовная культура славянских народов: литература, фольклор, история, Leningrad, 88-96: 88-89
Text status Text completely known
Date 14th c.
Manuscript ATHOS - Mone Hagiou Panteleemonos 126 [14th c.]
Place in Manuscript f. 5r
Palaeographical information The epigram is written by another hand (cf. Prochorov (1983: 89, n. 2)).
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Subject(s) Pseudo-Dionysios the Areopagite (5th c. - 6th c.)
Number of verses 4
Related occurrence(s)
Acknowledgements Information on the occurrence courtesy of Georgi Parpulov.


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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/34286
Last modified: 2022-07-04.