Occurrence 32264

This is a partially unknown text. The numbers on the left are there for reference purposes only and do not necessarily correspond with the actual verse number.
Type(s) [32263] Σός, παμβέβηλε, καὶ θεὸς (...) (3 verses)
Text source H. Rabe, 1906, Scholia in Lucianum, Leipzig: 126
Text status Text partially unknown
Date 13th c.
Manuscript VATICAN CITY - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - Urb. gr. 118 [13th-16th c.]
Place in Manuscript f. 102r
Palaeographical information Written in the right margin.
Contextual information The epigram is written next to Lucianus' Vitarum auctio 15.
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Text-related epigram
Comment The text is hardly legible on the online reproduction, so Rabe (1906: 126) has been kept as text source.
Image source(s) https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Urb.gr.118/0105
Number of verses 3

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/32264
Last modified: 2020-09-16.