Occurrence 25415
(formerly occ/9442)

Ὅπου τὸ κατάλυμα τῆς ἁμαρτίας,
ἐκεῖ τὸ δικαίωμα τῆς σωτηρίας·
Θεὸς χορηγὸς ἡ φύσις ὑπὲρ φύσιν,
ὡς δ’ ἀμφιβάλλεις τὴν Μαρίαν νῦν σκόπει.
Type(s) [5845] Ὅπου τὸ κατάλυμα τῆς ἁμαρτίας, (4 verses)
Text source S. Eustratiades 1917, Ἁγιορειτικῶν κωδίκων σημειώματα, Γρηγόριος ὁ Παλαμᾶς, 1, 49-771: 154
Text status Text completely known
Date 12th c.
Manuscript ATHOS - Mone Megistes Lauras Β 110 (Eustratiades 230) [12th c.]
Place in Manuscript f. 324r
Contextual information The epigram follows Mary of Egypt's Vita.
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Text-related epigram
Number of verses 4

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/25415
Last modified: 2019-05-19.