Type(s) |
[5118] Χεῖρες Κατραρίοιο βίβλον τήνδ’ ἐξέπλησαν
(4 verses)
Text source |
(Inspection of a reproduction of the manuscript)
Text status |
Text completely known |
Date |
1321 |
Manuscript |
VATICAN CITY - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - Vat. gr. 175 [1321-1322]
Place in Manuscript |
f. 158v |
Person(s) |
- Scribe
Ioannes Katrares (1301-1350) - RGK: III.279 - VGH: 174.A - PLP: V.11544
Palaeographical information |
4 ἔγνωκεν p.c. littera -ν ab ispso librario addita |
Contextual information |
The epigram is followed by the date of the manuscript (1321). |
Metre(s) |
Dactylic hexameter
Genre(s) |
Scribe-related epigram
Subject(s) |
Ioannes Katrares (1301-1350) - RGK: III.279 - VGH: 174.A - PLP: V.11544
Image source(s) |
Turyn (1964), Tab. 190d.
Bibliography |
D. Bianconi 2009, Et le livre s'est fait poésie, in P. Odorico, P. Agapitos, M. Hinterberger (eds.), "Doux Remède..." Poésie et poétique à Byzance. Actes du IVe colloque international philologique. Paris, 23-24-25 février 2006, Paris, 15-35: 32
G. Mercati, P. Franchi de' Cavalieri, 1923, Codices Vaticani Graeci. Codices 1-329 (vol. 1), Rome: 202
A. Turyn, 1964, Codices graeci vaticani saeculis XIII et XIV scripti annorumque notis instructi, Vatican City: 124
Number of verses |
4 |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.
Permalink |
https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/21839 |