Occurrence 21803
(formerly occ/5662)

Type(s) [3761] Τιμοθέου θύτου τε καὶ ναζιρέου (1 verse)
Text source DBBE (Autopsy of the manuscript)
Text status Text completely known
Date 1317-1318
Manuscript FLORENCE - Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) - Plut. 10, Cod. 19 [1317-1318]
Place in Manuscript f. 259r
Timotheos (14th c.) - VGH: 415.A - PLP: IX.21838, XI.28198 (hieromonachos, naziraios, thytes)
Palaeographical information Written in red (partially vanished) ink.
Contextual information The epigram is followed by + ὁ παρα which is divided by a monogram (ΓΜΝΚ?) δεισίου:- Another monogram follows: Τ(ι)μ(ό)θ(ε)ο(ς).
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Scribe-related epigram
Comment According to Turyn (1972: 131), the scribe 'Timotheos, son of Paradisius' may be identified as the author of the same colophon in ms. Athos Dionysiou 80, f.373v.
Image source(s) http://teca.bmlonline.it/ImageViewer/servlet/ImageViewer?idr=TECA0001434578&keyworks=plut.10.19#page/529/mode/1up
Number of verses 1
Related occurrence(s) [19669] τιμοθέου θύτου τε καὶ ναζιρέου [1316-1317]
ATHOS - Mone Dionysiou 80 [1316-1317] (f. 373v)
(1 verse) (1/1)

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/21803
Last modified: 2023-11-22.