Occurrence 21215
(formerly occ/4952)

Type(s) [4099] Ναὶ μαργαρῖται χειλέων σῶν οἱ λόγοι (4 verses)
Text source DBBE (Autopsy of the manuscript)
Text status Text completely known
Date 13th-14th c.
Manuscript MILAN - Biblioteca Ambrosiana L 73 sup. [13th-14th c.]
Place in Manuscript f. VIIv
Palaeographical information Written on two columns, to be read horizontally.
Contextual information Written in some introductory pages to the work of Homer.
It precedes another epigram, a poem of (Ps.-)Psellos. Several arguments indicate that these epigrams were separated from their original context, and placed as book epigrams to accompany the Batrachomyomachia. The position of these epigrams is based on rather loose and associative connections. The epigram of (Ps.-)Psellos has the word βάτραχοι (v. 1) which clearly connects the poem with the work of Homer. The first epigram, i.e. this occurrence, was originally intended as an eulogy on the works of Saint John Chrysostom, but it evokes associations with one of the alleged works of Homer, the Margites.
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Author-related epigram
Subject(s) John Chrysostom (saint)
Number of verses 4
Related occurrence(s) [20205] ναὶ μαργαρίτα χειλέων σῶν οἱ λόγοι [15th c.]
BOLOGNA - Biblioteca Universitaria 4238 [15th c.] (f. 120v-121r)
(4 verses) (3/4)

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/21215
Last modified: 2024-09-20.