Occurrence 20899
(formerly occ/4606)
+ κλίμαξ ἀνάγει· καὶ θ(εὸ)ς συνεξάγει, | |
σατὰν κατάγει· καὶ ῥαθυμία στρέφει· | |
σπεῦσον συναπόστηθι κακῶν τῶν δύο· | |
ὡς ἂν κορυφῆς ὑπεραρθῆς βαθμίδων:++ |
Type(s) | [4462] Κλίμαξ ἀνάγει καὶ θεὸς συνεξάγει (4 verses) |
Text source | DBBE (Autopsy of the manuscript) |
Text status | Text completely known |
Date | 13th c. |
Manuscript | MILAN - Biblioteca Ambrosiana E 108 sup. [976-1025] |
Place in Manuscript | f. 161v |
Palaeographical information | Written by a later hand. |
Contextual information | The epigram is preceded by a colophon in prose: + σῶτερ κρατίστη χειρί σου διαρπάσας:~ ἐχθροῦ παλαμναίου με τοῦ ψυχοφθόρου:~ θεία κλίμακι δ' ἐγκαθόρμησον λόγε: ὅπως ἀνατρέχων γε ταύτης τᾶς βάσεις: στέφος λάβοιμι σὺν δικαίοις ἀξίως:~ Change of hand: +γρηγόριος:+ +ἁμαρτωλὸς γρηγόριος:+ +βαθμοὺς διελθὼν γεννικοὺς τρισσῶς δέκα, δέχου τριλαμπῆ τριάδος, χάριν ξένην:+ |
Metre(s) | Dodecasyllable |
Genre(s) | Author-related epigram |
Subject(s) | John Klimax (6th c. - 7th c.) - PMBZ: 13914: "Personenkennziffer: 2791" |
Bibliography | |
Number of verses | 4 |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. |
Permalink | https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/20899 |
Last modified: 2019-08-02.